Frequency Prison

Jupiter Zeus

To create music is a process that demands a lot of creative effort, and even […]
March 1, 2023
Jupiter Zeus - Frequency Prison album cover

To create music is a process that demands a lot of creative effort, and even to evade what was done previously by others to have a spec into the competitive musical scenes. One of the ways of writing music with personality is to make mixes between influences, to blend elements in a form to breed something different. And the known Australian trio JUPITER ZEUS seems to be exploring such ways on "Frequency Prison", their latest album. The musical work of the band can be said as a blend between Stoner Metal, Heavy Metal, Doom Metal, Hard Rock of the 70's with Psychedelic Rock and Space Rock touches, plus some punctual nasty grunts on the vocals (an inheritance of Death Metal into their music). It's heavy, abrasive and powerful but yet melodic and tender; full of a raw energy and something that really is different from the usual.

Check some unusual instrumental arrangements (as can be heard on the guitars on "Silent Screams") to have the idea of that they combine to boost their music into a personal work. It's really good to hear such work. The sonority of "Frequency Prison" is crude and organic in a form that fits on their musical work, but in a form that can be fully understood as well. It's heavy and abrasive, yet defined and allows the full understanding of what the trio is expressing on each song of the album.

"Frequency Prison" is a melodic and hooking album from its beginning of its very end, always with a personal driving force behind the band's solid work. But to have a proper idea of what these guys are up to with their music, pay attention to "Silent Screams" (a song filled with an organic weight coming from the guitar riffs and arrangements, and what lovely chorus), "Dystopian Nightmares" (a bit more accessible and melodic, but with a complete Stoner Metal/Space Rock vibe, with contrasts between grunts and melodic voices, and what hypnotic rhythms), "Stationary" (that shows some Acid Rock and Psychedelic Rock touches, maybe some influences of HAWKWING's works, perhaps), "No Where to Play" (again a song filled with organic weight and filthy melodies, and with a powerful chorus), "Falling Down" (a pyroclastic and abrasive song based on melodic and nasty guitars), "Mark Passio" (another heavy and fiery song, but filled with many melodic hooks), "It's Not Happening" (this one is a bit more accessible than the previous one, without losing its filthy and organic appeal), "Frequency Prison" (this one bears a more simple harmonic structure, but that nails the fans since the first minute, and that mainly uses the harsh grunts), and "Chaos Reigns Supreme".

The musical world needs heroes, and with "Frequency Prison", JUPITER ZEUS shows itself as a strong candidate for being one of them.

10 / 10









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"Frequency Prison" Track-listing:

1. Silent Screams
2. Dystopian Nightmares
3. Stationary
4. Dangerous Freedom
5. No Where to Play
6. Plandemic
7. Falling Down
8. Mark Passio
9. It's Not Happening
10. Written Off
11. Scientism
12. Frequency Prison
13. Merciful Father
14. Chaos Reigns Supreme

Jupiter Zeus Lineup:

Simon Staltari - Vocals, Guitars
Jeremy Graham - Bass
Aaron Smith - Drums

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