Jesus Chrüsler Supercar

Death 'n' Roll (the genre that can be depicted as Death Metal and even Black Metal acts that clearly carry classic Hard Rock and Rock 'n' Roll influences) was created in Europe during the 90s, depicting a thing that radical Metal fans seems to not accept (and understand): no generation before had roots linked to extreme Metal genres, everyone hard to acts as BLACK SABBATH, MOTÖRHEAD, AC/DC and others that put everyone on Metal scene. It can be said that ENTOMBED and GOREFEST (the pioneers of the genre) just accepted and embraced such ensemble of influences, and used them. And the Swedish quartet JESUS CHRÜSLER SUPERCAR follows such genre, as depicted on "Rising". The quartet brings a brutal and oppressive sonority filled with filthy groove, but on something that isn't as extreme as one could think, because influences of AC/DC and MOTÖRHEAD are strongly clear to the ears (and the vocals are more into a Lemmy's way than on a death growls and snarls outfit).
Obviously the quartet has some traces of Death Metal into their music, but someone could confuse things, because the extreme side of Metal force isn't 60-70% clear on their music. The energy and abrasive aggressive insight of their puts them on Death 'n' Roll trend, but it's not only it (pay attention to some Blues and Country Rock traces and groove on "When You Are Dead"), so it's a very good EP to deal with. The production of "Rising" is clearly modern and greasy to put the groove Hard Rock traces listenable. It's oppressive and clearly distorted, but in a form that is easy to understand what the quartet is playing and to absorb their music without complaints. It's a very good result, after all.
On "God Hates Us All", the song is filled with many Hard Rock influences, but its heavy weighty can erode the bones of the fans easily (due the heavy work on the rhythms of bass guitar and drums for the slow paced tempos). "Suck in the Dust" brings some modern Rock 'n' Roll traces into the account, and something inherited of Grunge Rock and Stoner Metal as well (due the filthy approach on the guitar riffs). On "When You Are Dead", even with such spinebreaking weight, the influences of Blues and Country Rock are clear in the middle of the abrasive melodies (and what good vocals can be heard). And "The Killer", the quartet brings something with some accessible parts under such heavy artillery (but pay attention to the simple, but good, instrumental arrangements).
"Rising" is really a very good release to be heard, and states JESUS CHRÜSLER SUPERCAR as a strong name in the Death 'n' Roll scene.
8 / 10

"Rising" Track-listing:
1. God Hates Us All
2. Suck in the Dust
3. When You Are Dead
4. The Killer
Jesus Chrüsler Supercar Lineup:
Robban Bergeskans - Vocals, Bass
Pär Jaktholm - Guitars
Tobias Engdahl - Guitars
Nicke Forsberg - Drums
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