Hatred Reborn

With over two decades of spitting, splitting metallic aggression under their belt, HATESPHERE return to the death thrash realms on form and with their usual biting, addictive hostility in the eleventh studio album, "Hatred Reborn". With the talents of ROYAL DECEIT's Mathias Udall now at the vocal helm, there's distinct and obvious proof that this full-length is an organic development in the band's caustic personality, an overt melting-pot of full-pelt, unhinged aggression, and violent disorder throughout. Given that "Hatred Reborn" focuses on a contemptuous disdain for humanity's darkness and incessant obsession with evil, it's hardly surprising that HATESPHERE's snapping jaws drip with bloodied intent from the get-go.
Although Danish in heart, HATESPHERE's "Hatred Reborn" is American in attitude, with the vitality of the thrash grooves of EXHORDER seeping out of its core and the relentless intensity of a malevolent concoction of thrash, groove, and death that penetrate mercilessly. The twelve-track opus occupies its time with creating searing atmospheres that are reminiscent of some of the thrash classics. In the same way SEPULTURA lured us in a "calm before the storm" acoustic in "Beneath the Remains", so, too, do HATESPHERE. "The Awakening" begins as a mellifluous, softened intro, drenched in delicate chords and pensiveness that broods and quickly saturates. But as any ardent thrasher will have become accustomed to over the years, this is merely a ruse for something that brews a far bloodier and bruising output. Make way for the drums of war that break into "Hatred Reborn" which spits with its causticity, so much so, you can feel the burn of its acid melting your flesh from bone from the outset with its venomous, hateful blend of precise, tight drumming fuelled with malevolent intend and vocals that stem from the belly of hell.
HATESPHERE grab the groove-infused thrash style by the guts, with "Cutthroat" severing your jugular with an EXHORDER meets LAMB OF GOD flavour to the track, showing that thickly laid grooves are the core to the band's latest offering. The pulsation of "Gravedigger" piles in burning aggression and sets in levels of diseased rabidity that only the fiercest amongst us can truly appreciate, perfectly displaying HATESPHERE's ineffable ability to expertly kick you square in the crotch with the sort of biting aggression that stems from endless riff assaults and a dynamic mixture of punchy grooves and all-out thrash attacks. "The Truest Form of Pain" plays on those delicious atmospherics felt earlier in the album, with that insidious acoustic laying the foundation for a burgeoning bruiser that epitomes audial assault, intertwining crushing aggression and slow-burning breakdowns, whilst "Brand of Sacrifice" slows the tempo slightly for a bloodier bludgeoning with rasping growls that carry the entire weight of this elephantine beast.
HATESPHERE ensure that there is little reprieve in "Hatred Reborn" but make sure that those momentary offerings are impactful, with the likes of "A Violent Compulsion" offering a brawny instrumental ready for the uncompromising sullenness of "Spitting Teeth" with its spewing riffs and unbridled drum fills. Unleashing a lead-weight heavy attack in "Another Piece of Meat", HATESPHERE burn you to the bone with its incendiary combination of thrilling riffs and catchy hooks, with a particularly exciting live version of "The Fallen Shall Rise in a River of Blood" as a bonus track bookending an album of bestial measure.
Eleven albums in, HATESPHERE prove that seasoned musicianship, fistfuls of thrash panache, and infectious verve for intoxicating metal ensure an uncompromisingly slick and brawny release. "Hatred Reborn" balances tight groove inflections in a vital, visceral, and vivaciously produced full-length that promises not to disappoint and will have you foaming at the mouth a couple of tracks in. This is one not to miss.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Hatred Reborn" Track-listing:
1. The Awakening
2. Hatred Reborn
3. Cutthroat
4. Gravedigger
5. 918
6. Darkspawn
7. The Truest Form of Pain
8. Brand of Sacrifice
9. A Violent Compulsion
10. Spitting Teeth
11. Another Piece of Meat
12. The Fallen Shall Rise in a River of Blood
HateSphere Lineup:
Mathias Udall - Vocals
Peter Lyse Karmark - Guitar
Kasper Kirkegaard - Guitar
Jimmy Nedergaard - Bass
Mike Park Nielsen - Drums
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