Den Sidste Færd


There are moments when people grow up and must make their choices on their own, […]
December 24, 2021
Gespenst - Den Sidste Færd album cover

There are moments when people grow up and must make their choices on their own, because no one needs to satisfy what others think. And as a parallel of such thought in music, you must show who you really are as you're playing, because no one will pay attention to your work if you're like many other names that are already known. The world doesn't need a new CELTIC FROST, MAYHEM, BATHORY, BLACK SABBATH or any other like these, because they already exist (or existed) and left musical leftovers of their existence: their albums. And although the Danish duet GESPENST shows potential on "Den Sidste Færd", they need to mature a bit more.

They a good Black Metal act, with a work based on the Second Wave of the genre, on that names that became (in)famous during the first half of the 90's, as DARKTHRONE, MAYHEM, BURZUM and others. Their music shows a great potential and personality, but as they use the same clichés that everyone already knows from the genre (and that are repeated endlessly by many), sometimes their musical resemblance with other names makes things pretty difficult to differ the duet from other bands. It's good, but they need to work in a better way in the future.

The production, as one can expect, is poor and organic, in the same format used by MAYHEM on "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" age and DARKTHRONE on "Under a Funeral Moon" times. But their musical work needs something better defined, especially on the instrumental tunes (even things not being so hard to understand). Oh, one more thing: the drums on this EP where recorded by Mads Mortensen.

"Dødsfærd" is a long song, lasting more than 10 minutes, but filled with a massive and morbid energy, and with simple rhythmic contrasts. "Portal" is bitter and harsh, and shows another good set of rhythmic contrasts (with many slow and somber parts filled with nasty guitar riffs), and it's another long song. On the other hand, "Rejse" (is shorter, slow and really crude, with chilling shrieks on vocals, and "Besværgelse" and "Intethed" are short and experimental shots. Good songs from a band that can deliver an even better work. For now, all that's left to say is that "Den Sidste Færd" is a good release, but GESPENST is able to do something better. It's just a matter of using their musical personality.

7 / 10









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"Den Sidste Færd" Track-listing:

1. Dødsfærd
2. Besværgelse
3. Portal
4. Rejse
5. Intethed

Gespenst Lineup:

Galskab - Vocals, Bass, Synth
Genfærd - Guitars, Keyboards

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