The Eagle Will Rise

Generation Steel

Since the coming of the Old School trend that is among the Metal scene by […]
January 2, 2021
Generation Steel - The Eagle Will Rise album cover

Since the coming of the Old School trend that is among the Metal scene by now, many bands came to follow such way. Some are very good, others not that much, but new names appear every day. One of them is from German quintet GENERATION STEEL, and they're releasing their first album, "The Eagle Will Rise". Their music is that old and good form of German Heavy/Power Metal, and they have some similarities with older PRIMAL FEAR, because their main reference lays not on ACCEPT (besides some elements of it appears here and there), but on JUDAS PRIEST. But don't get the wrong idea: they're not a copy, but they are just following the same path, but with their own ideas.

There's a perfect balance between aggressiveness and melodies, always using a set of strong melodic hooks. Obviously they have more to offer than is shown by now, but they're pretty good. "The Eagle Will Rise" was produced by the hands of ACCEPT guitarist Uwe Lulis, and he created a strong and clean sonority for the album. It sounds modern and aggressive, but heavy and clean at the same time. A fine work, indeed.

One can say that their songs are made on clichés, but pay attention: they do it on their own way, creating something personal besides the resemblances. And the hooks shown on songs as "The Eagle Will Rise" (fine melodies, excellent harsh voices and good chorus), "Invoke the Machine" (impossible to resist to its appeal, and the vocals are great once more here), "Warbringer" (a traditional German Heavy Metal song, filled with an amazing energy and a heavy weighty rhythm, showing how bass guitar and drums are great on the band's work), "Temple of Malady" (some modern Power Metal influences from names as ICED EARTH can be heard on some melodies, due the excellent guitar riffs), "Praying Mantis" (come accessible elements can be heard here), "Soulmates" (here, some NWOBHM influences arises from the guitar duets and solos), "On My Way" (a fast song with its focus on the aggressiveness of the vocals and guitars), and "Heaven`s Calling" are enough to earn the bands more fans (and by the way, they deserve).

GENERATION STEEL needs to mature a bit more its musical work, but "The Eagle Will Rise" is, by now, a very good release, indeed. Personally, I bet they're going to be a great name in the near future.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"The Eagle Will Rise" Track-listing:

1. The Eagle Will Rise
2. Invoke the Machine
3. Generation Steel
4. Warbringer
5. Temple of Malady
6. Praying Mantis
7. The Chariot
8. Shadow in the Dark
9. Soulmates
10. On My Way
11. The Wayward One
12. Heaven`s Calling
13. Alive

Generation Steel Lineup:

Rio Ullrich - Vocals
Pascal Lorenz - Lead Guitars
Jack the Riffer - Rhythm Guitars
Michael Kaspar - Bass
Martin Winter - Drums

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