
Future Leaders of the World

When the wave of Grunge and Alternative music came on the beginning of the 90's, […]
February 22, 2015
Future Leaders of the World - Reveal album cover

When the wave of Grunge and Alternative music came on the beginning of the 90's, it was a great tsunami that threw Metal into the depths of the underground in United States of America. Yes, the excesses of the Californian Hard Rock scene, as the radical and childish loyalty to Thrash Metal were ended in only one strong and mighty blow. But the end of a thing means a start of something new: Alternative Music, which brought to us bands like MINISTRY, ALICE IN CHAINS, SOUNDGARDEN, NIN, STONE TEMPLE PILOTS and other good names. Now, Big Daddy here knows that some of the worst Metal/Rock bands also arose on those time as well (and of course I won't name them here), but in the end the gains were greater than the losses and the genre keeps inspiring many bands to this day. However to come upon a band like FUTURE LEADERS OF THE WORLD could be a mighty blow on our stomachs, as their album "Reveal" is really hard to swallow.

Their music is not bad at all, and the sound quality is very good, but it's full of Pop influences that really damage their good intentions. Sure, in terms of their instrumental work they really do play on a solid level, but something here just doesn't fit: They sound like an even more Poppy version of SILVERCHAIR and PEARL JAM, and despite that their music have good musical arrangements it could just be way better than what we hear here. In twelve songs, they have pieces of good moments, showing that a potential to create good music exists on them, as we see on "Live Again", "Intoxicate" (some good guitars here), and "Our Secrets". But their more commercial approach is what fucks everything up.

All instruments and musical arrangements are clear for our ears, it's a fact and a point for them, but it's not enough to save the album. I believe that these guys can do better than that.

6 / 10

Had Potential

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"Reveal" Track-listing:

1. Live Again
2. Intoxicate
3. Sink or Swim
4. All in Your Eyes
5. Can't Let Go
6. The Killing Blow
7. Our Secrets
8. Mirror
9. Wherever the Wind Blows
10. Best Child
11. Rain
12. Not Forsaken

Future Leaders of the World Lineup:

Taylor Mayd - Vocals, guitar
Ian Severson - Guitar
Jarred Mosely - Bass
Russell Bullock - Drums

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