Ereb Altor

Sometimes you just need to take a chance. I have done just that when I requested I would be the one to review EREB ALTOR on their latest effort to make their brand of Viking Metal mixed with Black and Heavy Metal, as I never have had the pleasure of listening to them before now. It’s just that with all the positive messages I saw about the band I felt it was time I gave them a go as well. In the 22 years that these Swedes from Gävle, Gävleberg they have made “Hälsingemörker” as their tenth studio album. That is quite something. It shows that they are not lacking in inspiration or desire to discover new music. So, what does listening to “Hälsingemörker” teach this over sixty reviewer about EREB ALTOR?
Well, it does show me that the band has the way to use the language down perfectly. They sing some songs in English, but the majority is done in their native language, and that is when the lyrics really start to shine. That is when the intensity really comes through. And as for the music, they know when they need to add Heavy or Black Metal passages, riffs and drums into the mix. It took me some time, but the more I listened the more I realised I actually like what I am hearing. Musically EREB ALTOR can rival any other Viking Metal band. Of course there are also some minor things don’t make the grade, but overall EREB ALTOR is giving me very good music to listen to.
What I do feel they need to address is the height of the tone of voice that Mats is using when singing. In the first few songs he sings quite high, and that is not bad. Unless he has to sing/shout through a Black Metal part. At those times I feel it just doesn’t work. The pitch is just too high. If the music as well as the voice would have been lower, it could have given the album more substance. Let me explain. From “Vi Är Mörkret” the music sounds just that bit lower in tone, making it sound darker. Mats lowers his voice accordingly by a full octave and all of a sudden everything falls into place. His lyrics sound much more menacing, much more intense. And it doesn’t matter whether he is singing in his clean voice, demonstrating his Death Metal grunt or using a Black Metal scream, it all sounds so much more convincing. That is when I feel EREB ALTOR outshines itself and comes into the Premier League of Viking Metal musicians.
8 / 10

"Hälsingemörker" Track-listing:
1. Valkyrian Fate
2. Hälsingemörker
3. Ättestupan
4. Vi Är Mörkret
5. Träldom
6. The Waves, The Sky and the Pyre
7. The Last Step
8. Midvinter (deluxe edition bonus track)
9. Skogsrået (deluxe edition bonus track)
10. The Lake of Blood (deluxe edition bonus track)
Ereb Altor Lineup:
Tord - Drums
Ragnar - Guitars & Vocals
Björn - Bass & Vocals
Mats - Vocals & Guitar
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