Ecclesia Militans


This French Doom/Heavy Metal sextet is really great, so hear and join the inquisition!
May 22, 2024

The coming of GHOST with “Opus Eponymous” in 2010 brought back the use of whole concept to create a band and music. Since then, other acts appeared using such formula, and none on the same way, because using a whole concept for the visual and the lyrics isn’t something bad at all. And here we have “Ecclesia Militans”, the second full-length of the French act ECCLESIA (that means ‘church’). The production worked in the sense of creating a clean and defined sonority that allows the band to express its musical ideas in a way that can be understood by everyone. Yes, it’s clean and defined (what boost the understanding of their melodies) in a way that is easy to absorb their musical ideas, but always keeping tat essential crude touch that a Metal album must have. T

he artwork is amazing (a depiction of Harrowing of Hell called “Descendo a los Infernos”, of 1362), using medieval pieces of art to keep the feeling that their songs and lyrics need. Musically, the sextet uses a mix between Heavy Metal with tons of influences inherited from Doom Metal. It’s like combining BLACK SABBATH during Tony Martin age with traces of CANDLEMASS and CATHEDRAL (without the filthy load of Stoner Metal they had). It carries a tasteful melodic appeal inherited from Hard Rock (some keyboards arrangements are amazing on creating the right ambiences), but always with an elegant and different appeal of Heavy/Doom Metal. And it’s truly good, a feast for the maniacs!

Dealing with themes that deals with inquisition and the Dark Ages, one can easily say that “Ecclesian Militans” works as a full conceptual album (what’s not the case), but the talent of the band can be heard on moments as “If She Floats” (what lovely melodies and charming technical appeal, with excellent vocals and guitars, especially in the harmonic leads), “Et Cum Spiritu Tuo” (the aggressive and weighty appeal on the guitars contrasts a lot with the melodic scent of the vocals and the temper given by the keyboards), “Antecclesia” (the intro is truly oppressive, and then a Doom/Heavy Metal chant appears, with thunderous bass guitar and drums playing), “Ecclesia Militans” (that follows the same tendency of the previous one, but with a heavy melodic load), “The Exorcism” (a more climatic and atmospheric song into Heavy/Doom Metal ways, based on fine vocals contrasts)… Oh, come on! Feel the caustic ambiences of the band, and dive into the inquisition chambers of “Ereptor Verae Fidei”, “Redden the Iron” and “Harvester of Sinful Souls” as well. No needles and pins, no torture, just fine music!

Let me tell you all a thing: ECCLESIA can become the next titan in Metal as a whole with such appeal! Once more: enter the inquisition chambers of the band shown on “Ecclesia Militans” and join their cult!

10 / 10









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"Ecclesia Militans" Track-listing:
  1. Vade Retro (instrumental)
  2. If She Floats
  3. Et Cum Spiritu Tuo
  4. Antecclesia
  5. Ecclesia Militans
  6. The Exorcism
  7. Ereptor Verae Fidei
  8. Redden the Iron
  9. Harvester of Sinful Souls
  10. Quis ut Deus (instrumental)
Ecclesia Lineup:

Frater Arnhwald - Vocals
The Witchfinder General - Guitars
Julius Accusator - Guitars
Pater Walkelinus - Keyboards
Frater Ignis Sacer - Bass
Pater Hexenhammer - Drums

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