Practically Weapons
Drones For Queens

In the second half of the 70s, MOTORHEAD started the fusion between metal with the high adrenaline of punk rock. On the 80s, some hardcore bands like S.O.D., D.R.I., C.O.C. (sorry for all acronyms, but that's the way the bands used to call themselves on those times) and Brazilian RATOS DE PORÃO were the pioneers in hardcore scene to use thrash metal elements on their songs. These ways made some great works arise from Metal underground, and created a path that still is giving birth to very fine bands. And one of newer names on the scene is from North American band DRONES FOR QUEENS, coming with their EP "Practically Weapons".
It's a brutal and fast grindcore/hardcore metal band, abusing from musical violence, but with some instrumental quality and melodic insight (you'll find it clearly on "A Blinding Future") that is not so usual into these styles or in the fusion of them. It's something different that "Big Daddy" here usually hears, and maybe in the future they can really be a great monolith for some bands. But by now, their mix of screamed harsh vocals, strong and brutal guitar riffs, and heavy and good rhythmic kitchen is creating a violent music, having a good personality showing its face by now.
When we hear this EP with patience and deep attention will see that they worked hard to create an abrasive sonority, extremely aggressive, but with a clear clarity that do not tear apart their musical violence. Sometimes, the idea is that all clearness we listen here reinforces the brutal grasp of their songs.
Their songs still carries a hardcore feature: none of them lasts more than three minutes, but it's enough to understand what these insane guys are up to. "State Your Terms" is a abrasive and brutal blow in your face with strong guitar riffs and great drumming, and "Practically Weapons" follows the same trend, being a bit more a hardcore song, with very good tempos (a feature that is made by the rhythmic kitchen pretty well), and "Duress" is on the same way, explosive with good grunts. But "A Blinding Future" is not like the other songs, having a deeper feeling, showing some elements that, in the mind of some people, would not fit in this kind of metal. But they fit: melodies, a kind of sad and melancholic atmosphere in some parts. I strongly believe that it's their musical evolution taking place.
Very good work, and their future can be great!
8 / 10

"Practically Weapons" Track-listing:
01. State Your Terms
02. Practically Weapons
03. A Blinding Future
04. Duress
Drones For Queens Lineup:
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