The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I
Death Karma

Well, maybe some of newcomers in Metal scene cannot understand these words, but the socialism/communism ideology is a great cancer to Metal as an entire musical style. Yes, due its dictatorial ways of guiding a country (or many, if we talk about the Soviet Union), Metal bands had no chance to play and record album in these lands, and if they do so, they must keep their music behind the iron curtain. And even when they did some shows on countries like these (as IRON MAIDEN did on World Slavery Tour, back in 1984), the high level of non privacy was something sick. Of course, many of you who came to this world after the 90's would not understand, but we all lived in fear. Lenin, Stalin, Krushov, Brejnev, Castro, and others... All these names are from enemies of Metal, men that made fine countries live in fear for almost 50 years. When we see bands coming from former socialist countries, the pretty nice work they do, it a thing to remind us always: no enemy of freedom can be a friend of Metal. And from Prague, Czech Republic, a former country from socialist world, comes DEATH KARMA, a fine and destructive Black/Death Metal duo, arriving with their second album, "The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I".
Being both members from CULT OF FIRE (another excellent band from that country), we couldn't expect less from them: it's a darkened, harsh and aggressive music, but with a very particular way of making songs. It has a darkened and morbid atmosphere, but in a very different way we are used to hear. Very good harsh vocals, excellent riffs, and very good bass and drums works, so it gains us by our ears due the darkened melodic insight they have.
Yes, the sound is raw, but not with a poor quality, as many could think for you can understand what they are playing and what each musical instrument is doing.
In very good six songs, all they lasting more than six minutes they show a very god work, presenting the burial rituals in some cultures of the world. "Slovakia - Journey of the Soul", "Mexico - Chichén Itzá" and "China - Hanging Coffins" are the ones Big Daddy proposes for a first hearing, but the entire album is good.
A hail to Czech Metal scene!
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I" Track-listing:
1. Slovakia - Journey of the Soul
2. Madagascar - Famadihana
3. Mexico - Chichén Itzá
4. Czech Republic - Úmrlcí Prkna
5. India - Towers of Silence
6. China - Hanging Coffins
Death Karma Lineup:
Infernal Vlad - Vocals, guitars, bass
Tom Coroner - Drums
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