Fall of Humanity
Dead Twilight
The matter about the most outstanding levels of brutality and aggressiveness on music was like a veiled ‘competition’ between Thrash Metal acts during the years between 1985 and 1987, with bands as KREATOR, DARK ANGEL and others releasing albums faster, more brutal and aggressive than before, but as things calmed down, those bands followed ways with emphasis on melodies and technique than speed and aggressiveness, but the ‘damage’ was done, because such ‘competition’ was inherited by Death Metal acts, what enable the birth of Brutal Death Metal. But although some bands like to have an unbearable appeal, albums as depicts bands as DEAD TWILIGHT preferring something different from the usual model. The duet prefer to have a more brutal form into traditional Death Metal, even using some elements heard usual for Brutal Death Metal.
It’s not s sin to compare their work with what acts as IMMOLATION (on its actual era) and MORBID ANGEL (during “Covenant” days), or I other works, they prefer to have an Old School Death Metal appeal with a boosted level of brutality. Technically speaking, the band uses a sober appeal, without overloading such aspect, what enables their music to have a catching feeling, turning things easier to be swallowed by other extreme Metal fans. And it’s really good. The album bears a brutal and oppressive sonority, but with some classic Death Metal traits. As the band uses programmed drums parts, things are easier on the tunes, so the efforts were focuses to use defined and aggressive tunes on guitars and bass guitars, but always in a form that’s easier for a fan to hear and understand what’s being played. And the cover reminds something used on the genre during the late 80s and early 90s.
Obviously, “Fall of Humanity” demands some patience from the fans, and it depicts a band that has potential to be great in a near future. But for now, songs as “I Hate” (a fast piledriving song, excellent guitar riffs with an European Death Metal nasty and hooking appeal), “Prophet’s Shit” (where some slower parts arise and contrast with faster and furious blast beats), “I Bring Chaos” (a faster and brutal song, but with excellent rhythmic shifts), “From Father to Son” (an apocalyptic moment on the album, full of brutal and catchy parts, with very good grunts filling the spaces) and the caustic “Bоина (War)” will offer the fans of the genre moments of pure breakneck and heart attacks.
“Fall of Humanity” passes on the ‘third album test’, and shows that DEAD TWILIGHT isn’t laying on models to make their music.
8 / 10
"Fall of Humanity" Track-listing:
- I Hate
- Prophet’s Shit
- Rage from the Dead
- I Bring Chaos
- Oblivion
- From Father to Son
- Blood
- Bоина (War)
Dead Twilight Lineup:
Marco Bellante - Vocals
Luca Bellante - Guitars, Bass, Drum programming
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