Shadow Soul

Dead Head

A load of experience of 35 years is what is depicted in the new release of this Dutch Thrash Metal quartet.
May 22, 2024

Sometimes one can judge a scene due the greater number of acts of an specific Metal genre. Of course it’s widely known that Dutch scene gave to the world Death Metal acts as SINISTER, PESTILENCE, GOREFEST, GOD DETHRONED, ASPHYX and others, but bands as EPICA, THE GATHERING and AFTER FOREVER as well. But some forget that there are titans into traditional Heavy Metal and Hard Rock as BODINE, PICTURE and VANDENBERG. So to have Thrash Metal acts is something expected, and the veteran quartet DEAD HEAD is here for another round with “Shadow Soul”. A band with 35 years of experience on its shoulders knows what it wants for a sonority, so they called Erwin Hermsen (of Toneshed Studio) to work with them.

The result is an abrasive and sharp sound quality in a model of Thrash Metal sonority that is aggressive and nasty, but organic and defined. And the artwork of Vladimir Chebakov for the cover is excellent, disturbing and nasty. The band’s musical idea of being the most aggressive and brutal act into Thrash Metal didn’t changed, as their musical work depicts, and in some moments one can feel a Death Metal touch in their musical work. It combines a good technical level, but always sounding aggressive (even during melodic parts), depicting that their ways were built on lessons given by KREATOR, SLAYER and DARK ANGEL, but again: 35 years on the road are enough to sharp a musical personality, and how good this album sounds to the ears.

On these eight songs, the band imposes a massive Thrash Metal onslaught with raw energy flowing from the speakers. And to have a bit of it, hear to “Litany of the Weak” (a fast song with excellent nasty vocals fitting on the instrumental sheath), “Serpents of Fame” (there are very good melodic parts in the middle of such Thrash Metal bombing, thanks to the excellent work of the guitars), “Caverns of Fate” (here the band uses a slower appeal, with bass guitar and drums making a very good rhythmic conduction), “The Age of Hype” (a massive and faster moment with tons of energy flowing from the speakers, with very good snarls from the vocals), and “Opulent Disruption” to check how these guys are alive and thirsty for blood!

Well, congratulations to DEAD HEAD for reaching 35 years of their career, and “Shadow Soul” is the birthday gift everyone will ask for.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Shadow Soul" Track-listing:
  1. Litany of the Weak
  2. Serpents of Fame
  3. Caverns of Fate
  4. Defiance
  5. The Age of Hype
  6. The Run
  7. Opulent Disruption
  8. Dark Emptiness
Dead Head Lineup:

Ralph de Boer - Vocals, bass
Ronnie van der Wey - Guitars
Robbie Woning - Guitars
Hans Spijker - Drums

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