Endless Corridor

The earlier Black Metal sound from the Second Wave still has many fans, because in those days, the aesthetics of the "ugly", of the "you-can't-do-this-in-this-way" was an act of rebellion against the whole way underground Metal genres were going. It's not a matter of right or wrong, but a matter of a wild form of creation done with heart and soul, not with a formula. Those days are on the past now, but there are bands that keep the old flame burning, as the Japanese one man band DAEMONIAN, that comes spreading curses and evil with its first album, "Endless Corridor".
The musical approach of Lord Nothingness on his work is simple: harsh and bitter as on Black Metal's old days, with a clear influence from Swedish and Norwegian schools, using that harsh and filth form of music with darkened and sad melodies. It's not technically complex, focusing his efforts on the creation of an aggressive and climatic form of music that we can assimilate easily. It will remind of bands like DARK FUNERAL, DISSECTION, MÖRK GRYNING and others from the same style on their earlier works, but with a different personality.
The sound production is really good. Lord Nothingness made the recording, produced, mixed and mastered "Endless Corridor", and the sound quality emulates those from the past, that were raw and aggressive, but clean enough for us all to understand the band's musical work. The tunes are in the rawer way of old days, so it is a delight for old fans. The artwork created by Kenro Imamura reinforces the compromise of the band with the Old School Black Metal as well.
Being the band's first album, "Endless Corridor" shows a fine musical work on Black Metal terms, but it can mature a bit more, because DAEMONIAN's musical potential is greater than is show here. But for now, the brutal and fast "Infernal Torture" with its nasty guitars, the sad and melancholic melodies of "Eternal Oblivion" and "Wrath of the Haunted Moon", the brutal and fast "Annihilation of the Holy" (a very good rhythmic work can be heard), and the aggressive rawness that the somber "Endless Corridor" shows with its simple tempos and nasty vocals are here as testimonies of the band's talent.
DAEMONIAN is a good name for the future that shows its musical talent now. And Domo Arigato Gosai Masu for "Endless Corridor", because it's really a charming album.
8 / 10

"Endless Corridor" Track-listing:
1. Intro
2. Infernal Torture
3. Eternal Oblivion
4. Wrath of the Haunted Moon
5. Buried in Darkness
6. Lightless Candles
7. Annihilation of the Holy
8. Into the Storms of Blackness
9. Endless Corridor
Daemonian Lineup:
Lord Nothingness - All Instruments, Vocals
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