The Curse Of Immortality

Crystal Coffin

Melodic black metal band CRYSTAL COFFIN have been together now for a few years since […]
November 21, 2023

Melodic black metal band CRYSTAL COFFIN have been together now for a few years since their inception in 2016, they are a trio from Vancouver, Canada and they are led by vocalist/bassist ARON SHUTE, then on guitars/keyboards is LENKYN OSTAPOVICH and on drums is ROB POIRIER. Both ARON and ROB were actually in the same band before they formed CRYSTAL COFFIN, they were both a member of the doom metal band KOMA so they joined up with LENKYN to bring a very different sound to their most recent band to date. The band began with a five track demo which was released in 2019 as the band have set their sights on combining ‘black metal song styles with influences of prog and ambient/electronic music while re-imagining 19th and 20th century atrocities as poetry and melody’.

Their first album followed on in the year 2020, as their debut full length album was titled THE TRANSFORMATION ROOM as it was based on imagery of the people who were overcome by the Holodomor famine in Ukraine during the 1930’s. However 2020 was the same year that Covid-19 became a global pandemic so therefore it delayed the band’s plans for touring and promoting their debut album. Between May and August 2020, the band made a great effort putting together eight tracks to finalise what would be their second album, THE STARWAY ETERNAL as this album was actually imagery based on the events of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster from 1986. The album was released a year later in October 2021, as this was when bands could start playing live again, so what next, you ask.

Well the band soldiered on and then in the midst of this year, as the band came to prepare for their release of their third studio album, titled THE CURSE OF IMMORTALITY was finally released on 31st October of this year. We can start with the first song which is “Shadows Never Cast” as a haunting black metal soundscape with synthetic elements give rise to an implosion of lighting bolts of drums and guitars hitting all the right notes as well as providing low end frequencies. The vocals are an abomination as black metal goes, however this is more of a melodic twist of the usual black metal I have listened to before, which is certainly very appealing.


Even the keyboard melody also mixes in very well with the guitars especially and drums keep up the momentum, as the next track comes which is “The Undead”. Lead guitar steps in first with a heavy thick riff, then vocals as well as drums join in the mix, as drums pumps their fists on the clarified kick drum that stands out more. Then we enter the shadows of unwinding and mesmerising black metal which is a kick in the teeth with faster rhythms then moving back into the more steady approach or even time structure as drums lead the way in this section with guitars. Lead guitar has its own solo part to play later on in the track and excels itself, vocals returning for a loud screamer of a part to lead us into the next track.


“The Vortex Of Earth and Death” is next as we hear bass guitar coming through, more than before with crescendo of drums also gradually building to hardcore guitar riffs as well as thumping drums that crave for our attention. The atmosphere being created here is cunning but also thriving on the brighter tones of lead guitar as the horrifying vocals are back to scare the listener, even keyboard sounds are there, they are nicely placed in the mix overall. As the drums and guitars thrash their way through another section of blast-beat overdrive, there is but maddening drums and shredding guitar riffs as the next track is set up for us from this cluster bomb of insanity.


“Final Breaths” has a more hardcore and post-punk sound with drums to start with, bass guitar bringing out the tonality of this track with vocals making their regular contributions with furious ferocity. An instrumental section comes after this with keyboard once more adding in a more sci-fi and fantasy side to the story that is being told throughout this album, vocals do return again though even a cleaner vocal part can be heard just over halfway through this track. A slight change in drum pattern does create a transition as it all fades, an angelic voice leads into the next track, “Cryogenesis” is in motion with a narrator speaking at first with swirling sounds of a futuristic nature before there is a gradual crescendo on drums with lead guitar as well.


Raging guitar riffs with screamer vocals go so well together, as we can hear the bass guitar also giving the track warmth and density. As there are more instrumental parts that ignite the track so much that we can hear keys in the background also, this gives us the transition into the next track which is “Rise”. As there is a slower guitar riff before baffling drums join in with vocals making themselves known in the mix, as this track is less vigorous and has more clarity as well as creativity amongst the instrumentation. It is also a shorter track than usual and it is the only track to be less than 4 minutes, going into the next track “Leviathans Encased”, as the guitar rings out from the previous track, we hear guitar picking notes before keys gives a melody with a slightly distant guitar or amplified sound in the background.


Vocals dominate as they have done so, but drums and guitars have a lot to say each time, as they feed off each other, fuelling all that aggression and enchantment as there is a lot of soloistic stardom from drums to drive the track on. So much cunning and class guitar playing, as well as drums playing smoothly but also throwing in some faster and punishing patterns, even the keys can play such an important part of this track providing an atmosphere around the guitars, vocals and drums. “The Closing Of The Crystal Coffin” is the final track of this album, as the beating heart of a kick drum comes in first with keys giving more of a sense of futuristic embellishment before drums reigns in with creative flows of action.


A short interval with keys and that beating kick drum then another rapture of drums and guitars battling it out as we approach the final frontier of this album. Keyboard becomes a bit more noticeable and drums simply staggering as they crunch their way through the track, even bass guitar really giving it full wellie, this is such bliss and beauty all around with the instrumentation, even with no vocals. However this is no let down, and of course the final track bows out with  slow fade out, a lot of positives to take from this album altogether, I have listened to a lot of black metal, this band will certainly impress you with so much melodic elements, as this really stands out.

7 / 10









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"The Curse Of Immortality" Track-listing:

1. Shadows Never Cast

2. The Undead

3. The Vortex of Earth and Death

4. Final Breaths

5. Cryogenesis

6. Rise

7. Leviathans Encased

8. The Closing Of The Crystal Coffin

Crystal Coffin Lineup:

Aron Shute - Vocals and Bass Guitar
Lenkyn Ostapovich - Guitars and Keys

Rob Poirier - Drums

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