
The first half of the 80's was a time that could be compared to the early centuries after the Big Bang: fuzzy and smoky, the limits and boundaries between Metal genres weren't so rigid as they're today. This is the reason that those days things would be different and even 'catchy', because no one had the idea of what the bands were putting on the mix. An example is that no one could separate Death Metal, Thrash Metal and Black Metal until things were defined. And this explains why CRUENTUS, from Sweden, has a different way of dealing with their music, as can be heard on "Fossilized".
It's a form of Black/Thrash Metal inheriting a lot of influences from early German Thrash Metal School (the days when no one could describe precisely what KREATOR, SODOM and DESTRUCTION were doing) with some bits of what SLAYER did between "Show No Mercy" and "Hell Awaits". This is why influences of Black Metal, Thrash metal, Death Metal and even traditional Heavy Metal can be felt on their musical work, but with a difference between them and many: they're not cloning other bands, or trying to make another "Obsessed by Cruelty", "Pleasure to Kill" or "Infernal Overkill". They're trying to be themselves, that's all. Johan "Snoken" Nääs (engineering), Tomas Skogsberg (mixing) and Sverker Widgren (mastering) worked with the band on studio, and they did a work that makes the songs of "Fossilized" have a rough and brutal approach, but with things defined in a way that can be understandable for anyone. It's a very good result, but could be better.
The musical work of the band can be felt on all the songs, but for a first time on their music, taste "The Catalyst" (a strong song with a traditional Thrash Metal speed, but with very good contrasts on the rhythms, with a very good support given by the guitar riffs and arrangements), "Nihil Ultra" (another very good moment filled with great rhythmic shifts, and what a massive work of bass guitar and drums), "The Lost Ones" (this Thrash/Black Metal piledrive easily can seduce the listeners due its darkened strength, with these "angelripperian'-like tunes on the vocals), "Relentless Scourge" (another excellent song, this time based mainly on slower parts, what shows the contrasts between guitars and vocals), "Averted Reality" (this songs can show how Black/Thrash Metal influences entered on 90's Black Metal model), and "Primordial Reprisal".
CRUENTUS is really a very good band, and if they dare a little more, no one will hold these guys back, and "Fossilized" is really a great release.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Fossilized" Track-listing:
1. Ascending
2. The Catalyst
3. Nihil Ultra
4. Mot Alltets Slut
5. The Lost Ones
6. Prey
7. Relentless Scourge
8. Averted Reality
9. Doldrums
10. Primordial Reprisal
Cruentus Lineup:
P. Bocian - Drums, Vocals
M. Öhman - Guitars, Bass, Vocals
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