Delusional Primacy

Connate Exasperation

To play Metal in the Middle-East region is not an easy thing. We must have […]
November 10, 2018
Connate Exasperation - Delusional Primacy album cover

To play Metal in the Middle-East region is not an easy thing. We must have in mind that there are places there where bombings and terrorist attacks are extremely common, and we must remember that religious fanatics exist there as well, and everything can end in jail, or worse. But Metal is like an infectious disease: once you hear and like it, you'll be hooked for all your life. And the Iranian duo CONNATE EXASPERATION is a fine example as Metal maniacs never gave up. And "Delusional Primacy", the album's first album, is a fine piece of brutality. They play a technical form Brutal Death Metal, and even of some nasty melodies can be heard into their musical work. It's not a new Metal genre, but they know how to do things on their own way, and they show a great talent as well. So you can bet that their music is aggressive and full of energy, with the right arrangements in the right moments, and they can give you what you want from Death Metal. And it sounds fresh and new, and it's not a clone.

On the sound production, the things could be better. They are still crude beyond the point. Of course their music can be understood without problems, but we can feel that this raw insight is not the best one for their work. It's good, but not excellent, and their music deserves something clearer and with better instrumental tunes as well. Their songs are truly very good, but they could be shorter to preserve the attention of the listener, but it's just a little detail. If you're a Death Metal maniac, songs as "Egoistic Demise" (excellent rhythmic changes), the fast and furious "Obsequious Supremacy" (excellent guitar riffs), the excellent technical insight that guides "Delusional Primacy (Part 2)", and the oppressive weight of "Subsistence of the Bygone" are the ones that will make you an addicted to their music.

They are pretty good, and when evolution takes its toll on their musical work, you can bet that CONNATE EXASPERATION will crush bones and necks throughout the world. For now, "Delusional Primacy" is a very good work, fruit of a strong will at the service of Metal.

8 / 10









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"Delusional Primacy" Track-listing:

1. Egoistic Demise
2. Obsequious Supremacy
3. Delusional Primacy (Part 1)
4. Delusional Primacy (Part 2)
5. Hollow Mentality (Instrumental)
6. Subsistence of the Bygone
7. Perdition
8. Labyrinth of Darkness (Instrumental)

Connate Exasperation Lineup:

Sam - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
George Trakas - Drums

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