

Some bands work on a traditional form in any Metal genre that can be thought […]
February 25, 2022
Bornholm - Apotheosis album cover

Some bands work on a traditional form in any Metal genre that can be thought of that, even not playing something that isn't done before, enchant the fans. It happens because they work putting life on what they're playing, evading to be someone else than themselves. And even working on a more traditional trench in Black Metal, the Hungarian trio BORNHOLM shows talent on "Apotheosis", their new album.

Their work can be said as a fusion between classic Black Metal elements as stated by MAYHEM and DARKTHRONE, but using the darkened melodic appeal created by ROTTING CHRIST. As said above, the trio isn't playing something really new, but as they work on a way similar to ABIGOR on "Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)" days, what means that they have a melodic appeal, but even the use of keyboards parts, they don't stay far from traditional ways of the genre. B-U-T these words aren't written to destroy the band, because they use a personal approach on what they're doing, and this is what matters in the end of things. The sonority of "Apotheosis" is really something that deserves respect. It was conceived to have a crude and classic outfit, but with a careful work to make things defined. It's clean and aggressive, and the crudeness seems to reside solely on the instrumental tunes used by the band. And the mastering of Maor Appelbaum really gave a special shine to the songs.

Classic and courageous, "Apotheosis" is able to conquer many new fans for the trio. And pay attention to what they do on "My Evangelium" (a song with a clear classic Black Metal core, but adorned with charming keyboards parts and nasty shrieks), "Sky Serpents" (very good rhythmic changes done by bass guitar and drums, creating the right contrasts), "Black Shining Cloaks" (a darkened and morbid ambience is filled with great guitar riffs and arrangements), "Spiritual Warfare" (some clean vocals are presented on the slower and melodic parts), "To the Fallen" (another darkened set of melodies created by guitars and keyboards, with some clean guitars arrangements that are fitting perfectly on the song), and "I Am War God" (what great storming blizzard guitars and volcanic work on bass guitar and drums on the rhythms), because their Gospel on Black Metal is really excellent to be heard.

BORNHOLM really did a very good work on "Apotheosis", and the trio can be pointing to a path that enables new bands of traditional Black Metal to work in.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








"Apotheosis" Track-listing:

1. I Divine
2. My Evangelium
3. Sky Serpents
4. The Key to the Shaft of the Abyss
5. Black Shining Cloaks
6. Spiritual Warfare
7. Darkened Grove
8. To the Fallen
9. I Am War God
10. Apotheosis
11. Enthronement

Bornholm Lineup:

Sahsnot - Guitars, Vocals, Keyboards
Charun - Bass
D. - Drums

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