
Some Black Metal bands still have a deep and strong link with the SWOBM from the 90's. That's the reason for the great number of bands with a raw and more humble technique. The esthetics of "non-esthetics" used on the 90's still is a model for the generations that are coming now and for many that will come in the future. But some veterans still keeps the same qualities we wrote above in this time. The lessons that MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE, BURZUM, EMPEROR and SATYRICON gave on the first half of the 90's is still used by bands like the Russian trio BLACKDEATH, a veteran band with many releases that now comes with "Gift".
Of course on this album you won't find something really new. No, that's not BLACKDEATH idea. But there's a deep and large gap between doing nothing new and lack of personality, mind you all. And the trio has a strong personality, knowing how to explore the technical simplicity to create a personalized music, with harsh shrieked voices, very good and catching riffs (of course, the lessons from Euronymous are evident here), fine work on rhythmic session, so in terms of instrumental, everything is fine and good. But being simple doesn't mean that creativity has no space, please. These guys create something very good to extreme Metal fans.
The sound quality is harsh. Of course you can hear the musical instruments clear, no trouble about that, and we are used to raw quality when we speak about Black Metal, but something could be better, because the quality sometimes give us that "hollow" feeling.
The album is good, but maybe we could point "Der Hammer des Steinernen Molochs" (fast and aggressive, with some very good riffs being showed on the song), the abrasive and climatic "Erinnerungen der Apokalypse" (this one shows that you can sound morbid and darkened even with a non slow paced tempo, here having a great work from bass guitar and drums), "Abaddons Berührung" (with very some tempo changes and wonderful guitars), "Mein Inferno" (again with tempo changes and very good harsh screams), and the slow, bitter and dusty "Das Gottlose Lied" (here, the tempos are slower, with an atmospheric and morbid insight).
To all those who really miss the old days, this album is for you. It's honest and very good.<
8 / 10

"Gift" Track-listing:
1. Der Hammer des Steinernen Molochs
2. Nordwind, Geschenke Bringender
3. Erinnerungen der Apokalypse
4. Abaddons Berührung
5. Enigma
6. Mein Inferno
7. Das Gottlose Lied
8. Die Schwarzen Cherubinen
Blackdeath Lineup:
Para Bellum - Bass, Vocals
Abysslooker - Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals
Maya - Drums
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