Descended From Vast Dimensions
Awaken The Misogynist

Brutal Death Metal was born of the efforts of some acts to make Death Metal even more brutal and hard to be swallowed, or as one can think, it expresses the need of many bands to have a personal work (acts as SUFFOCATION, DYING FETUS and MORBID ANGEL from "Covenant" release on). The speed, the musical complexity, and approach are hard to deal, even for the fans of the genre. And for those addicted in the genre, the work of the international quintet AWAKEN THE MISOGYNIST heard on "Descended from Vast Dimensions" will be a delight.
It's nothing different from many bands of the genre: brutal, fast with some slower parts, the contrasts between low grunts and piggish screams, with a good technical care on the songs (the technical work of the guitars is really very good), and those particular Brutal Death Metal hooks, what can be translated as the band plays a classic form into Brutal Death Metal. The band is talented, but needs to sharp their efforts a bit more to have a personal work, because they're not bad, but are on the same level of many others, or in other words: they're in the mean value of the scale, far from the level as acts as ABORTED, SUFFOCATION and others, but their musical work isn't a loss as well. The production as well worked in a way to keep the band's music into a traditional form of the genre, using the same known distorted and classic instrumental tunes on the recording. It's easy to be understood, with things defined, and with the right amount of effects.
Of course the band has potential and show musical talent on songs as "Slamertainment Tonight" (very good bass guitar and drums parts), "Leeched" and "Breeding Violence" (a good set of guitar riffs can be heard on these ones), "Crimson Horror" and "Infinite Regression" (good grunts can be heard, sustained by a solid instrumental sheaf), and "Abuse of Consumption", but their music lacks that 'something' that can make an album worthy of being brought, that 'something' that make the existence of a band gain sense. They have it, but it's extremely hidden under a thick layer of ideas guided by the models. One tip: blow the models to Hell, and do things in your own way.
For now, "Descended from Vast Dimensions" is a good release, but specific for addicted fans of Brutal Death Metal; but AWAKEN THE MISOGYNIST can make something better, is just a matter of expressing themselves in their music.
6 / 10
Had Potential
"Descended From Vast Dimensions" Track-listing:
1. Slamertainment Tonight
2. Resurrection I - Thirteen Bodies
3. Leeched
4. Breeding Violence
5. The Cleansing of Ignorance
6. Crimson Horror
7. Tsuchigumo
8. A Satan Rose
9. Infinite Regression
10. Resurrection II - Reigning Terror
11. Kantstepated
12. Abuse of Consumption
Awaken The Misogynist Lineup:
Livio Wellinger - Vocals
Jameson Blomgren - Vocals
Wilson Ng - Guitars
Joe Mortimer - Bass
Guido Wyss - Drums
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