Reflections Of Darkness


The rebirth of an old and sad Black Metal spirit from the Southern lands of Brazil is full of surprises!
December 21, 2023

The Brazilian Black Metal scene suffers a lot of problems due ideologies laid in the 90s in the genre. The acceptance of such ideas and motos created a musical radicalism that made the genre be distant from the others many times, evading it to reach a broader and greater set of fans (the old rule that says ‘keep it underground to keep it true’ is a great lie). There are bands down here that have excellent works, but that are hidden and barely known, as APÓCRIFUS, from Rio Grande do Sul. Besides the band has some albums, only now, with “Reflections Of Darkness” it is becoming better known.

The band uses an Old School Black Metal model that belongs to the second half of the 90s - besides some different ideas appear here and there, as heard on “Ghost” -, or in other words, it is a form of music filled with dark ambiences and oppressive-landscaping parts (with charming keyboards touches), but it can become crude and really aggressive as things evolve. To be honest, it doesn’t fit on a definitive form, for music is subjective. It’s aggressive and nasty; but rich in arrangements, ideas and musical expressions, with energy bleedings from the speakers, and some melodies arises to improve things a lot (again, pay attention to “Ghost”).

The only member of the band, Gladimir, produced, recorded, mixed and mastered the songs of “Reflections of Darkness”. The album bears a clear Black Metal appeal on its sonority, but using a modern and defined outfit. Such words are trying to depict an aggressive and nasty sonority, but with the care to keep things understandable and balanced and it’s not easy to do such thing sometimes. But’s very good.

The band was a live act in the past, with the release of the album “Insanity Dreams” (2003) and the EP “Souls for a Throne of Blood”, but things brought the band to an end, and Gladimir brought it back to life himself. But things are excellent as they’re presented on the album with greater moments heard on songs as “Into the Infinity of Silence” (a savage and nasty Black Metal song with a 90s feeling, with very good rhythmic transitions and charming shrieks of the vocals), “Ghost” (excellent melodic contrasts and a dynamical work of guitars and keyboards to boost the darkened feeling of the song), “Slave of Illusion” (it bears an Old School Symphonic Black Metal appeal due the wise use of keyboards’ parts), “Malign Profane” (as the speed decreased, the darkened appeal of the song becomes evident, with charming rhythmic changes and a good work from bass guitar and drums, with some Black/Thrash Metal touches), “Nefastu’s Creatures” (sharp and aggressive guitar riffs with catching arrangements are heard filling the spaces), and “Souls for a Throne of Blood”. But the all the songs of “Reflections of Darkness” are excellent.

If you’re looking for a band with a different and refreshing appeal in the models of the past in Black Metal, APÓCRIFUS is the right name for you. So, get your dive into the deep chasm of darkened emotions of “Reflections Of Darkness” and see it for yourself:

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Reflections Of Darkness" Track-listing:
  1. Prelude to Redemption
  2. Into the Infinity of Silence
  3. Ghost
  4. Reborn and Agonize
  5. Slave of Illusion
  6. Malign Profane
  7. Lullaby for Succubi
  8. Watch Out for Your Wishes
  9. Nefastu’s Creatures
  10. Souls for a Throne of Blood
Apócrifus Lineup:

Gladimir Purper - All Instruments, Vocals

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