Reason (Reissue)


If the reader already took a look at the "Suffering Hour" review, the words written […]
October 18, 2019
Anacrusis - Reason (Reissue) album cover

If the reader already took a look at the "Suffering Hour" review, the words written there mean that ANACRUSIS, back on 1988, was a name that deserved attention, but as the musical market was dealing with its constants shifts, it didn't have what it deserved. But as well, as a band with musical potential, it means that they could do better than that. So it's not a surprise that "Reason" would sound in a better form. It can be said that "Suffering Hour" can sound a bit one-dimensional, like a band trying to build its own personality. But "Reason" is a step ahead, with the balance between their Thrash Metal vein being blended more and more by Progressive Rock influences (what can be heard on their complex melodies in some parts). It's a mature album from a band that was maturing more and more, and becoming even better, to the point that deserves to be heard carefully.

The sound production of "Reason" is way better that that one heard on "Suffering Hour". It's still a bit rawer, but the instrumental tunes became better defined, creating the right "punch" for their music, and the sense that clarity would be a fine way for the band's music seems to hit them, because it's clearer than before. It's not perfect though, but it's much better. And the remastering of the songs gave a "boost" on the songs as well. Maybe the songs of "Reason" would song far ahead from the album's time (it was released back on February, 1990), and it created the basis for Technical Thrash Metal bands in the years to come. Songs as "Stop Me" (excellent technical work, showing fine contrasts between aggressive parts with clean introspective moments, and great guitar work), "Terrified" (that shows a brutal insight and a great work from bass guitar and drums), "Not Forgotten" (another piece of aggressiveness mixed with Progressive Rock ambience, and an assault created by the guitars), "Misshapen Intent" (another excellent mix between US Progressive Metal influences with Thrash Metal's aggressiveness, and good vocals are presented on it as well), "Afraid to Feel" (a slower climatic song, with a brutal and technical impact that shows what the band would be in the future), and "Vital" are the ones to show how the quartet could be expressive, but still brutal, with their musical work. And as bonus songs of this new release, "Killing My Mind", "Injustice", and the Demo versions of "Wrong" and "Quick to Doubt" are presented as a gift.

If the things in Metal kept like they were between 1986 and 1990, "Reason" would be praised as an album that was pointing in a new musical direction, but as Metal collapsed into underground due Grunge/Alternative Rock invasion started back on 1991, ANACRUSIS came to be another promising name that was hidden from the public. But it doesn't mean that the readers can't enjoy their music.

8 / 10









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"Reason (Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Stop Me
2. Terrified
3. Not Forgotten
4. Wrong
5. Silent Crime
6. Misshapen Intent
7. Afraid to Feel
8. Child Inside
9. Vital
10. Quick to Doubt
11. Killing My Mind (bonus)
12. Injustice (bonus)
13. Wrong (demo) (bonus)
14. Quick to Doubt (demo) (bonus)

Anacrusis Lineup:

Kenn Nardi - Vocals, Guitars
Kevin Heidbreder - Guitars
John Emery - Bass
Mike Owen - Drums, Backing Vocals

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