Hell is Empty, and all the Devils are Here (Reissue)

Anaal Nathrakh

To deal with the English duo ANAAL NATHRAKH is to expect the unexpected. As they […]
September 8, 2021
Anaal Nathrakh - Hell is Empty

To deal with the English duo ANAAL NATHRAKH is to expect the unexpected. As they progressed from an early Black Metal form for an experimental/avant-garde form of experimental Grindcore/Death Metal, the more different ideas that one could conceive can be heard on the band's albums. And that's what make their music great and gather legions of fans at their side, and it's the beginning of the pains and nightmares that haunts the conservative Metal fans (is such concept real?) that follows idiots as Trump, Bolsonaro and those who want to drown the human race in darkness, is that their music is unique. And "Hell is Empty, and all the Devils are Here" shows it clearly, as this reissue is here to prove it!

It still bears some Black Metal ways, but the experimental Grindcore traces can be felt clearly arising on melodic vocals and haunting chants. But things changes from brutality to the use of melodic voices time to time in a way that isn't expected, with some Groove parts (as can be heard on the rhythm of "The Final Absolution"). So be prepared, because such album is a massive killing capacity artifact! And no conservative one will deal with it (it would blast their moldy brains to pieces)! Once again (as usual) Mick Kenney took care of the recording, production, sound engineering and mixing. On this album, the option was to balance the aggressiveness of the band's music with a more defined set of tunes, so things are really sounding great (it couldn't be cleaner that what's presented, because their music needs some filthy to be 100% what they planned for it).

"Der Hölle Rache Kocht in Meinem Herzen" has a Grincore/Hardcore vein on its instrumental lines, but with some very good variations in the rhythms, as the same happens on "Screaming of the Unborn" (and both bear excellent melodic voices in some moments). "Virus Bomb" shows the Black Metal outfit of their past releases, based upon excellent guitar riffs, and some unexpected tempos can be heard on "Shatter the Empyrean" (along with very good clean vocals) and on "Lama Sabachthani", the misanthropic energy that flows from the Avant-garde Grindcore song "Genetic Noose", and the massive energy that flows from "Castigation and Betrayal" are their best extreme offerings. It's better for you to accept!

You better take this chance to have your own copy of "Hell is Empty, and all the Devils are Here", because ANAAL NATHRAKH is one of the best names in the Extreme Metal scene!

8 / 10









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"Hell is Empty, and all the Devils are Here (Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Solifugae
2. Der Hölle Rache Kocht in Meinem Herzen
3. Screaming of the Unborn
4. Virus Bomb
5. The Final Absolution
6. Shatter the Empyrean
7. Lama Sabachthani
8. Until the World Stops Turning
9. Genetic Noose
10. Sanction Extremis (Kill Them All)
11. Castigation and Betrayal

Anaal Nathrakh Lineup:

V.I.T.R.I.O.L. - Vocals
Mick Kenney - Guitars, Bass, Programming

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