Master, Master!

Metal is a recognized (and loved) musical genre in all the countries of the world and maybe it’s the only one that can tear down walls of dictatorships and religious states apart. These words means that the genre can appear in every harsh condition one can think (as behind the iron curtain during the Cold War, and on oppressive countries that uses religious states), even being against the law. And from Bulgaria (a country with the greater part of the people being of Orthodox Catholic Church, and for what is known their position about Rock and Heavy Metal seems to be ambiguous) comes AMELIORATE, an one man band that is releasing its first album, “Master, Master!”. Depending on the referential frame used by the hearer, the band’s music can be said as Thrash Metal with clear influences of traditional Heavy Metal, or a traditional Heavy Metal act using a more modern shape for its music.
It’s obvious that the musical ideas of Borislav (the main mind behind the band) cover a wide range of influences; so even being solid and consensual, the musical content of the album will depict some different elements once in a while (as some Southern Rock and Country Rock touches heard on “I Say”). It’s full of energy and has a personal appeal, but things must be polish a bit more in the future (especially on the vocals, because the tunes used on the voice could be better, but’s just a matter of maturing, and not to put someone to sing). The album shows a good sonority, with all instruments heard without problems, with the distorted strength necessary (from where the aggressive side of AMELIORATE’s music comes from). It could be a bit more polished, because the band’s music needs something better. It’s not bad, but could be better, just this.
Musically, the work shown on “Master, Master!” depicts a band with potential to be great and offer a lot to the scene. And it is clear as water on songs as “Annihilation!” (a bulldozer of weight passing above your heads, with a touch of Groove/Thrash Metal in the guitar riffs, and what good chorus), “Master, Master!” (another aggressive and heavy song based on a weighty work on the rhythms by bass guitar and drums, and again a moment where the band flirts with Thrash Metal), “Deceived” (this one has a mix between classic Hard Rock and Thrash Metal melodies into the mix, because it’s aggressive and catchy at the same time, with very good fast whips of the guitars), “Consumed” (what good rhythms contrasts and melodies that are easy to be swallowed), “Demons” (pay attention to some NWOBHM influenced elements into the melodies), “I Say” (the melodies based on melancholic Southern Rock/Country Rock touches is one of the moments where the vocals fits in a better form), and “Walking Dead”. Taste them and the album fully!
Again: maturing is a need AMELIORATE must fulfill until the next release, but the band’s potential is shown on “Master, Master!” and can’t be denied. Taste it!
8 / 10

"Master, Master!" Track-listing:
- Annihilation!
- Master, Master!
- Control
- Deceived
- Consumed
- Hear Me!
- Demons
- I Say
- Pain!
- Walking Dead
Ameliorate Lineup:
Borislav Zahariev - Vocals, All Instruments
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