Shaped by Human Frailty
Strangle Wire

It's common to speak about the caustic effects and influences of North American and Swedish Schools on Death Metal, but's not fair to leave aside the UK School. Acts as BOLT THROWER, BENEDICTION, PARADISE LOST, NAPALM DEATH, CARCASS, CANCER, MY DYING BRIDE, ANATHEMA and others are seminal and equally important to the genre. In this way, one can say that UK Death Metal School has a model as well, a model that seems to be suffering some mutations, as the quartet STRANGLE WIRE exposes on "Shaped by Human Frailty", their first album.
Their musical efforts are done to create a form of UK classic Death Metal (some features can be found in the bands of the genre of UK), but in an actual and savage form, full of energy and aggressiveness. It's like taking the traditional elements of the genre and binding them together under a different and younger insight, and not trying to be like the ancients, but like themselves. It's slightly different from the usual (even with some subjective melodic sheath, as can be heard in some moments on "Judas Switch"), so be prepared for something fresh, but with aggressiveness that is enough to reduce ears to shreds! The sonority: it's aggressive, greasy and strong, boosting the brutal side of the band's musical work. But it's obvious that the band took care to make things defined, making the songs' approach understandable to the fans. It's brutal and distorted, but in a form that can be absorbed without complains.
"Heavily Medicated" (a fast and brutal song full of an aggressive energy, focused especially on very good guitar riffs), "Judas Switch" (a powerful and bitter ambience permeates this one, with a very good set of slow tempos created by bass guitar and drums), "The Human Tensile Experiment" and "Shaped by Human Frailty" (both songs being massive onslaughts of instrumental arrangements, with very good low snarls from the vocals) and "Psychology of the Sick" are the rights acts of brutality to have a first experience in their musical work.
STRANGLE WIRE is a promising name of the UK Death Metal School, and their future seems great. For now, the experience of listening to "Shaped by Human Frailty" is what all Death Metal maniacs as asking for.
8 / 10
"Shaped by Human Frailty" Track-listing:
1. Heavily Medicated
2. Learned Wretchedness
3. Judas Switch
4. The Human Tensile Experiment
5. An Abhorrent Intervention
6. Shaped by Human Frailty
7. Dead Before the Still
8. Psychology of the Sick
9. Horrors Beneath
Strangle Wire Lineup:
Pete - Vocals
Ross - Guitars
Daff - Bass
John - Drums
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