Some Things Should Stay Underground

In the beginning of the Second Death Metal Wave, when the 80's were ending and the 90's were near, many Death Metal bands in the USA strengthened the foundations of the genre set by DEATH, MASSACRE, MASTER, POSSESSED and by the Swiss forefathers of HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST. Today, the USA Death Metal School is still extremely influential for the genre, because the paradigm they created is still a driving force for many young names as from the Puerto Rico quartet NECRONEMESIS, as can be heard on "Some Things Should Stay Underground", their latest release.
It's a massive and traditional form of Death Metal influenced by names as MORBID ANGEL, MONSTROSITY, CANNIBAL CORPSE, INCANTATION and DEICIDE, but with a personality pulsing under their massive and aggressive music. It bears the right instrumental technique to make things work, and unleashes a violent and hooking energy that (although not as original as many would like) really talks deep for those that are into Death Metal. The band uses a sonority that isn't as good as their musical work really asks to be (some guitar tunes could be better), but it's clear and defined for anyone to understand what is being played, and aggressive and nasty as a Death Metal band must be. It's good, but not what their work really deserves. And by the way: the sickening guitar solos are played by Rick Rozz.
The quartet uses short time lengths to express their musical ideas, and what is shown on "Cranial Disfigurement (by Fist)" (a massive rhythmic wall is created by bass guitar and drums), "They Live in the Attic" (that uses a slow tempos with a horror-like ambience in the beginning, but soon becomes a fast whirlwind of chaos with good guitars), "Horrorpit" (that shows very good grunts and shrieks in the middle of good tempo changes), and "Some Things Should Stay Underground" really deserves to be heard by Old School Death Metal fans, especially those who are interested in what was shown by the USA Death Metal acts during the 90's.
Once more: NECRONEMESIS can't be said as innovative or outstanding, but it's hard to not like what they show on "Some Things Should Stay Underground". So dive into it, and enjoy.
7 / 10

"Some Things Should Stay Underground" Track-listing:
1. Cranial Disfigurement (by Fist)
2. They Live in the Attic
3. Stench of Slaughter
4. Horrorpit
5. Death from Above
6. Pray for the Rotten
7. Some Things Should Stay Underground
Necronemesis Lineup:
Angel David - Vocals
NecroJay - Guitars
Sigfredo "Pirulo" Machado - Bass
Raymond Flores - Drums
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