Third Bestial Mutilation


Well, Old Black/Death Metal canonization, something between 1987 and 1995, has a real grasp on […]
January 17, 2015
Stormvold - Third Bestial Mutilation album cover

Well, Old Black/Death Metal canonization, something between 1987 and 1995, has a real grasp on some extreme Metal fans from these modern times. To justify this statement, I have a proof: just see the great number of extreme bands sounding like old BEHERIT, BLASPHEMY and MYSTIFIER, using the same elements that they did back them: low grunts instead of high pitch vocals, low tunes in guitars like SLAYER did on "Reign in Blood" (even the solos follow this trend). But certain bands try to run away from the model's boundaries and create something different. And that's the case from Spanish duo STORMVOLD. And from Tenerife, they unleashed a furious way of music on "Third Bestial Mutilation".

It's brutal and oppressive, sound like their most Death Metal side comes from 90's bands like DISMEMBER and ENTOMBED, with some DEATH traces, and barely nothing coming from Black Metal bands after the SWOBM. It's something inherited from SARCÓFAGO's "I.N.R.I". But the main difference: the quality of their work is something from nowadays, so they have their own value. Harsh vocals in low tunes, distorted and abusive guitar riffs and solos, a good and strong rhythmic basis... All things are in their due places.

The sound quality is harsh, but not as raw and putrid as some that we got from some bands that miss the old times, when the ancient done their discs with the low quality possible due some economic problems. Here you'll hear their musical arrangements and instruments with a low level of difficulty. But be prepared to hear oscillations on the sound in this entire album.

Maybe these oscillations on quality are linked to the fact that this CD is a compilation of their material, and as they never released an official full length. And if it's the case, they deserve a chance, as songs like "Glorious Blood", the totally insane "Overdose of the Grotesque", and on "Extermination from Nature". But be aware of a thing: it's good, but nothing really new at all.

Hear it, and the album may be the one you're looking for.

7 / 10


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"Third Bestial Mutilation" Track-listing:

1. Brilliance of Thunder
2. Universal Domination
3. Glorious Blood
4. Exploitation of Superiority
5. Overdose of the Grotesque
6. Slaying the Losers
7. Extermination from Nature
8. Levitation of Bestiality

Stormvold Lineup:

Ebola - All instruments, vocals
Taenia Solium - Drums

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