

And the German Black Metal breeds another very good name!
March 14, 2025

Even being concomitant with Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Greek Black Metal Schools, German Black Metal School evolved in a different way: almost 99% of German bands of the genre lies into underground, far from the attention of foreign fans (just for those who are seeing things in a deeper sense). And to know acts as DYSANGELIUM seems to be a privilege for few, and “Exxekratus”, their latest release, shows that the band deserves to be widely known by the fans of the genre. No details about the production of the songs, but the efforts on the recordings, mixing and mastering were done in a way that the band could sound as classic Black Metal as they wanted, but having the idea to understandable and defined as they could, and it worked in a very good way, indeed.

It’s not a sin to compare the quintet’s work to classic releases of acts as MAYHEM, DISSECTION, WATAIN and others who have a darkened appeal and morbid ambiences, but being aggressive to the very bones and unleash an amazing energy. The band doesn’t overload its instrumental technique, making things to be solid and a rock, with very good contrasts between fast and slow parts. It’s obvious that they do their things with a personal outfit, and it’s what the doctor said that good for the heart. The songs show long timespams (expect for “Trachea”), but’s not hard for the fans to deal with “Of the Burning Throne (Manifest I)” (here the dark aggressiveness is felt on the rhythmic shifts and excellent morbid ambiences created by the guitars), “Trachea” (where the quintet uses a traditional outfit known from the Second Wave early acts, with solid rhythms created by bass guitar and drums), “Whispering Knives (Manifest II)” (filled with many oppressive parts, and the vocals uses very good tunes that are far from usual shrieks of the genre, but that aren’t growls as well), and “Delirious Transcendence”. Instead, it’s extremely easy to become a fan of the quintet after hearing this EP.

After hearing “Exxekratus”, it’s clear that Black Metal fans must leave aside the known names and give a chance to DYSANGELIUM (and others younger acts as well).

8 / 10









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"Exxekratus" Track-listing:
  1. Of the Burning Throne (Manifest I)
  2. Trachea
  3. Whispering Knives (Manifest II)
  4. Delirious Transcendence
Dysangelium Lineup:

Sektarist 0 - Vocals
T. - Guitars
C.H. - Guitars
Cruor - Bass
A.N.L. - Drums

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