Into the Void


23 minutes of “Into The Void” are beautiful, colourful, divers and bloody good. XENOTRONE is a trio of very good musicians that have the ability to write bloody good songs.
March 12, 2025

February 21, 2025, is the date chosen as the international release date for Ukrainian progressive thrash metal band XENOTRONE’s debut full-length album “Into The Void”. The band is from Dnipro in the Ukraine and was founded in 2021 by guitarist-vocalist Kostyantyn Roskosenko and Danylo "Soulreaper". And to say that they have taken their musical style to heart is a bit of an understatement.

After the spacy intro and title track “Into The Void” all hell breaks loose on “Evolution of Soul”. And immediately I have one name in my mind, which is Chuck Schuldiner. A lot of what these men do will appeal to the fans of this man. Yes, there are some similarities with DEATH, but when I listen to XENOTRONE what springs to mind most of all is the best thing that man ever did, CONTROL DENIED. That was a lot more Progressive than his original band, I still think it is a masterpiece. No, these Ukranians are not copying him in any way or form, but using how he sounded as an inspiration. The second thing that comes to mind is another debut album. I am talking about “Focus” by CYNIC, a Jazzy Death Metal album that still is as impressive as the day it was released.

Put those influences together and you have just over 23 minutes of “Into The Void”. Those minutes are beautiful, colourful, divers and bloody good. XENOTRONE is a trio of very good musicians that have the ability to write bloody good songs. Just over two minutes of the 42 on offer are used to give us a very punky version of the NIRVANA cover “Territorial Pissings”. That leaves 17 minutes that in my ears have been completely wasted with vague soundscapes that are making me feel utterly restless and therefore are more annoying than anything else I have heard in a long time.

And that is such a pity, as I really like what XENTORONE has to offer musically. The real Progressive Thrash Metal songs are of an extraordinary class, without being too polished, so still retaining their rough edges. I absolutely adore those songs. The cover is very entertaining, but doesn’t add anything to the enjoyment of “Into The Void”, unless you are a NIRVANA fan, of course. And the three songs that should not have been included are destroying all the joy of listening to XENOTRONE. I therefore advise you to get the digital version of “Into The Void”, so that you can discard them if you feel like me. If by any chance you like those vague noises, by the physical album. You will have a gem in your hands.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Into the Void" Track-listing:


1. Into the Void (instrumental)

2. Evolution of Soul

3. Tower of madness

4. Elysium

5. I Have no mouth and I must scream

6. Conatus Ad Deliciendum

7. Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transient (feat. Orphun)

8. Stone cross (feat. Kelly Shaefer)

9. Territorial Pissings (Nirvana cover)

10. Boötes Void


Xenotrone Lineup:


Kostyantyn Roskosenko – Vocals & Guitars

Vladyslav Vatt’ghern – Bass

Danylo Soulreaper – Drums


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