Agents of Doom


This Italian Thrash Metal furious quartet will rip your ears to shreds!
October 10, 2024

During the rise of Thrash Metal’s success in the musical market of United States and Europe, two main schools rose and stood as main influences for any other: North American School (based mainly between San Francisco and New York) and German School. The first one had a care for melodies and a very good technical approach (once more, SLAYER is a special case); on the other hand, the second was brutal and aggressive (and time brought a better technical appeal as the bands evolved). And still both schools are still influent, as heard on “Agents of Doom”, the first full-length of the Italian Thrash Metal killing machine IREFUL. As usual for band outside of the axis USA-Germany, they combine influences of both schools, with 75% of influences coming from names as EXODUS (pay attention to the vocal tunes in a ‘Zetro’ Souza way), NUCLEAR ASSAULT (what means that Hardcore and Crossover touches can be heard on their musical work) and TESTAMENT; and 25% of traces inherited from KREATOR and DESTRUCTION.

But don’t take these words in the wrong sense: they show a strong and aggressive personality on their music. And what energy is unleashed on all the songs! On the studio, they joined forces with Vincenzo Mandarano and Stefano Fabbri (recordings), Alex Rossi (mixing) and Lorenzo Bellia (mastering) to find the right alchemic point to create what their music needs. They choose to have an Old School appeal similar to what was done on the early releases of Thrash Metal of the 80s, or in other words, something nasty and aggressive, but ‘dry’ (to be understandable), but easy to be reproduced at live shows. It’s not a 100% result, but’s almost there. And the artwork of Sam (Samuele Scalise) for the cover is really excellent, inheriting the rebellious appeal of 80’s Thrash Metal covers.

Names as OSSARIO, DAEMONOKRAT, ERASER, SPASTICUS, PAZUZU’S INVERTED CHURCH, SHOCK TROOPERS and others are on the shoulders of these four maniacs, what means that experience wasn’t a problem. And songs as “I, Caligula” (a fast blaze of pure energy, with excellent Thrash Metal hooks and a merciless onslaught from bass guitar and drums can be heard), “...and God Will Take Its Ones” (excellent guitar riffs and leads are feeding the song with an amazing energy), “Agents of Doom” (the speed decreases in some moments, and the instrumental technique of the quartet becomes evident, enabling the vocals to have an aggressive political speech), “Ireful” (a fast and ‘crossoverized’ song, with excellent backing vocals), “Blackhearted Master” (wow, these 6 minutes are a blow of pure aggressiveness in the nose, with many rhythmic shifts), and… Hey, don’t be lazy, and listen to “Exiles for Metal”, “A.B.Normal” and “Evil Genius” as well, and you won’t regret such an experience! “Agents of Doom” is an album pretty easy to like.

It’s obvious that IREFUL still needs some evolution to sharpen their musical efforts, but to hear a release as “Agents of Doom” of such young band depicts that the fans can expect great things of the quartet!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Agents of Doom" Track-listing:
  1. I, Caligula
  2. ...and God Will Take Its Ones
  3. Agents of Doom
  4. Ireful
  5. Blackhearted Master
  6. Exiles for Metal
  7. A.B.Normal
  8. Evil Genius
Ireful Lineup:

A. Medusa - Bass, Vocals
M. Thunderbolt - Guitars
F. MadPig - Guitars
Vio-Ful - Drums

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