With Murderous Intent


Blacklist has essentially released the best thrash metal soundtrack to the spookiest time of year.
October 5, 2024

Pure, ruthless, unrelenting thrash metal? Check. Horror themes and references to legendary horror films? Check. Killer riffs? Check. A song about the Evil Dead featuring a clip from Army of Darkness? You bet! UK-based thrashers Blacklist have slashed their way into the greater world of metal with their horror-filled, heavy, razor-sharp debut album, "With Murderous Intent."  "With Murderous Intent" gives me everything I love, from wicked technical thrash tunes infused with vocal elements of blackened thrash to references and clips from some of my favourite horror films and doesn't disappoint.

Blacklist takes a lot of inspiration (and possibly their name) from American thrash legends Exodus but cranks every element present to eleven and incorporates some elements of black metal. Throughout "With Murderous Intent," listeners are treated to a band playing perfectly in unison and completely killing it every step of the way. My personal favourite track on "With Murderous Intent" is the Evil Dead themed song "Naturom Demonto." Bruce Campbell's line "Lady, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store" from 1992's Army of Darkness kicked off the song and had me jumping with joy before involuntarily banging my head the whole time. "Naturom Demonto" is super-thrashy and wickedly intense, a perfect song for shotgunning and chainsawing your way through a horde of deadites.

"Nostromo" is a trip into the universe of the Alien franchise and puts listeners onboard the ship Nostromo during the events of the first Alien movie and the last moments of Nostromo's captain, Arthur Dallas. "With Murderous Intent" is peak pure thrash and an ode to classic horror and slasher flicks, a perfect match for the horror-loving metalhead. Blacklist has essentially released the best thrash metal soundtrack to the spookiest time of year, the time for classic horror and darkness, Halloween.

8 / 10









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"With Murderous Intent" Track-listing:
  1. Cannibal
  2. Blood Baptism
  3. The Shape
  4. Nostromo
  5. Kill The Coroner
  6. The Dismemberment Blade
  7. Naturom Demonto
  8. Lethal Infection
  9. Never Sleep Again
  10. With Murderous Intent
Blacklist Lineup:

Tyler Larkin - Guitar, Vocals

Matt McLoughlin - Guitar

Curtis Goodyear - Bass

Matt Longshaw - Drums

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