The Non-Return


A good surprise from Spanish Death Metal scene.
September 25, 2024

Old School Death Metal is a term that covers the following situation: acts that unleashed the early releases of the genre (as DEATH on “Scream Bloody Gore” and “Leprosy” age, POSSESSED on “Seven Churches” days, and the early incarnations of MASTER and MASSACRE) and the bands of the Second Wave from 1988/1989 to 1991 (when the fragmentations of Death Metal started to appear). In this way, Old School Death Metal is a term with a broader meaning, and just a long time training the ears can clarify things. But even without the knowledge earned from experience, no one can deny that KRYPTICY’s follows this tendency, as “The Non-Return” (the band’s second full-length) shows.

The band hired Tornay for the recordings and mastering, and the idea was to create something that fits on Old School Death Metal ways, or in other words, something filthy, aggressive and crude, but with understandable expressions. And they got it, indeed. And the artwork for the cover (a creation from Cardaver Art) is something very good (but simple), and the idea behind is for physicists (just kidding).The band’s music, as the words above depicts, is into an Old School Death Metal format, with some resemblances with acts as DEATH on its early releases, and PESTILENCE (on “Mallevs Maleficarvm” and “Consvming Impvlse” age). It means a brutal and aggressive work, but not without a good technical insight (pay attention to the technical tempos on the beginning of “Hypatia’s Heresy” to have a deeper idea on this aspect), and tons of energy flow from their songs. It’s obvious that they need to mature a bit more, but they’re on the right path.

One interesting aspect is that they use lyrics with historical and cultural references. But such thing just add value on what’s shown on “Infected Pharaoh” (some technical parts on bass guitar can be heard on its beginning, but the band presents a sick and brutal work on this one), “Hypatia’s Heresy” (this fast and aggressive moment with a savage energy is filled with excellent drumming), “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (many Old School Death Metal hooks are heard on this one, with catching guitar riffs and arrangements), “The Water Street Butcher” (again very good bass guitar arrangements are heard, and what good grunts), “Krypticy” (some Grindcore tempos are heard on this one) and “Virgins Recently Fucked Sacrifice”.

Again: KRYPTICY has to sharpen its effort in a better way in the future, but for Old School Metal fans, “The Non-Return” will have a great appeal.

8 / 10









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"The Non-Return" Track-listing:
  1. Infected Pharaoh
  2. Hypatia’s Heresy
  3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  4. The Void
  5. The Water Street Butcher
  6. UGH!
  7. Krypticy
  8. Virgins Recently Fucked Sacrifice
Krypticy Lineup:

Alex Guerrero - Guitars, Vocals
Sergio Álvarez - Guitars
Tomás Sanchez - Bass
Fran “Pancho” Vázquez - Drums

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