Carnation (EP)

Mystical Death

The atmosphere on “Carnation” is very much a contemporary one, with good structures, good sound and very inspiring songs.
September 24, 2024

It's happening again. A certain Dutch artist approaches me and asks whether I would be interested in reviewing his latest product. In this the musician is Mystic, and he usually makes quite different music, but now he has his project called MYSTICAL DEATH, and he has just finished his first EP for it, namely “Carnation”. Well, the Death part of the name does make sense, as we are talking about a Progressive Death Metal project in this case. As for the info he sent me; MYSTICAL DEATH was erected in 2024 and on the 14th of September released its debut "Carnation". Five diverse progressive death metal tracks that combine elements of technical, OSDM, groove and even symphonic death metal. It offers a fresh and unique sound that should appeal to many fans in the death metal scene. MYSTICAL DEATH currently consists of one member (Mystic); who writes, records, programs, mixes and masters everything except the harsh vocals. The release was fully crafted at his home studio. Plans for a sophomore release are in full swing.

That has made sure we know that if successful there can, shall and will be a follow up to “Carnation”. But before we get that far, let's review this one, shall we? MYSTICAL DEATH has got his ducks in a row, that is for sure, as the music he makes under the Progressive Death Metal moniker reminds me of PESTILENCE in their “Testimony Of The Ancients” and “Spheres” era. Another influence I hear is CYNIC when they recorded their “Focus” debut album. So, we are talking the first half of the nineties. But rest assured, the atmosphere on “Carnation” is very much a contemporary one, with good structures, good sound and very inspiring songs. Mystic sure can play and sing. The harsh vocals of David Diefenderfer add another dimenseion, as do the clean female vocals of Vivi Fox.

Although, as far as the latter is concerned, I am not always convinced she is singing in the right octyave. When she goes really high, it sometimes does work, but just as often it doesn't. The weird thing is, one time I'm thinking it's fine, the other I'm doubting that decision. So, that is purely on me. But then again, if that is the only serious criticism I can give about “Carnation” then MYSTICAL DEATH should have no problems reaching those who actually crave this kind of Progressive Death Metal. I really, really like this and can't wait to hear more of MYSTICAL DEATH.

8 / 10









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"Carnation (EP)" Track-listing:


1 - The World Is A Temptress
2 - Indefatigability
3 - Carnation
4 - Regula Insanus
5 - The Sins Of The Fathers

Mystical Death Lineup:

Mystic – instruments/programming/clean male vocals
David Diefenderfer – harsh vocals
Vixi Fox – clean female vocals

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