Seven Are They


Norwegian Black Metal in the Old School way! Hear and blast off!
August 22, 2024

There are moments when a Metal fan (even those that are used to Avant-garde genres) just want to hear something into a classic way, something of old days of the past. There’s nothing wrong with that, everyone has such moments. If you’re a fan of Black Metal that misses what was done between 1992 and 1996, “Seven Are They”, the new EP of the Norwegian trio DEATHCULT, is surely what you were looking for. The band’s members have on their shoulders a lot of experience into the genre for they played on acts as TAAKE, GORGOROTH, RAGNAROK, CARPATHIAN FOREST, HELHEIM, URGEHAL, INFERNAL MANES, and many others. Here, the trio shows a classic form of playing Norwegian Black Metal (by these words, you must understand that there are features on Black Metal bands that are particular for those ones from Norway, don’t use such words for unnecessary polemics), rough, morbid and funereal as it was done by MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE and BURZUM on the early days of the Second Wave.

It’s great, for the band depicts a strong personality on its songs. The band laid on Haldor Grunberg’s hands the responsibility of mastering the songs, having in mind that classic Black Metal must have a raw and lo-fi approach. But even in such way, things are sounding understandable for anyone (if it was a bit clear, things wouldn’t be as good as they are presented). And Kitti Solymosi (of Anatiummi Arts) created a simple and efficient artwork for the cover, indeed; and as guest musician, the band invited Lava (of AMOK, and former member of TAAKE, DEAD TO THIS WORLD and others) to add some vocals and guitars as well.

There are two songs on this EP: “Seven Are They” (with a chaotic intro, then a fast blast of pure Old School Norwegian Black Metal, based on a chaotic mass of sharp guitar riffs and haunting shrieks of the vocals), and “Twice Seven They” (a bit more funereal and slower song, with simple and solid playing of bass guitar and drums), and as said above, they’ll make the hearts of Old School Black Metal fans beat harder and faster.

“Seven They Are” is really a very good release, and the fans must pay some respect to DEATHCULT’s musical efforts.

8 / 10









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"Seven Are They" Track-listing:
  1. Seven, They Are Seven / Seven Are They
  2. Twice Seven They
Deathcult Lineup:

Skagg - Guitars, Vocals
Hoest - Bass, Additional Vocals
Thurzur - Drums

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