Stoned Space

A fine instrumental release that combines Progressive Rock with Hard Rock and Heavy Metal influences.
August 16, 2024

In the past, to have an experimental outfit would cause the music to be labelled as Progressive Rock. Such approach always had a crush on people, because the mix of Psychedelic Rock with a strong technical appeal and strange ambiences always created very good results in the ways of the bands. This is the reason for acts as JETHRO TULL, ELP, YES, PINK FLOYD, ELOY and others had become eternal references for musicians. And drinking on such fountain is STONED SPACE, here with its first album, “I”. The music here is instrumental, lysergic and highly focused on ambiences that are hard to understand for usual fans of Metal and Rock (maybe what is heard on “III” is different, because there is a strong bound with Hard Rock, Doom Metal and Heavy Metal influences on the mix, due the presence of guitar riffs that points for both genres).

It’s kind of weird and different, combining elements of Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Stoner Rock and Progressive Rock alike, but’s not bad when you are used to deal with different musical expressions. It’s good, but will take some time to get used to it. The production worked on a way that is an update of what is usual for Progressive Rock acts of the 70s, here being clear and defined (so that organic feeling of analogue recording devices isn’t presented). It’s really a very good result that balances the need for some weight on many moments, but enables the band to sound lysergic and ethereal as well.

On all the songs the fans will experience a very good time, indeed (again: for those used with instrumental expressions, and with different musical ways). But as one become used to the complex musical outfit of “I” (pay attention to the lysergic clean parts with clean guitars and keyboards), “II”, “III” (a heavier moment plenty of Metal and Hard Rock elements contrasting with Prog Rock traces), “IV”, “V” (here the band shows something organic and on 70s Doom Rock ways similar to BLACK SABBATH on “Vol. IV”), “VI” and “VII” and their combination of different elements, it will be a delight.

STONED SPACE really created a very good release on “I”, so let’s see what they’re up to in the near future.

8 / 10









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"I" Track-listing:
  1. I
  2. II
  3. III
  4. IV
  5. V
  6. VI
  7. VII
Stoned Space Lineup:

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