Eternal Sorcery

One of Nine

A fine new name into Old School Melodic Black Metal from USA!
November 24, 2023

The world of fantasy of J. R. R. Tolkien is huge influence for many Metal bands, and not only on Heavy/Power Metal as many can think of. Names of artists (the names of Shagrath and Varg were taken from Tolkien’s books), artworks for covers and booklets, and even on the music itself. It’s a fact that all forms of arts are different manifestations of the same thing, so the intercommunication isn’t a mere coincidence. And on the name of the four Nazgûls of ONE OF THE NINE depicts the strength of Tolkien’s work, even with the lyrics of “Eternal Sorcery” seem to not uses such influences. Classic Melodic Black Metal is what the band is up to on their first release, something with deep roots on early acts of the Second Wave as SATYRICON, ABIGOR, AGATHODAIMON and others, only with melodies arising from the guitars (and not of keyboards, for the quartet isn’t using such thing).

It’s a promising and personal work, depicting a band with potential to grow and become a pillar into the genre as evolution takes its toll; for now, they’re pretty good, using very good and sinister arrangements, with and aggressive and brutal impact sharpened by morbid melodies. Things were recorded with the most traditional and old fashioned set of instrumental tunes that could be found, always taking care to be rough and ‘lo-fi’ as Old School Melodic Black Metal must be, but understandable for the fans as well (in other words, they’re not trying to emulate what is already done without caring for the fact that they could do something defined). It’s good, especially during the clean parts.

Musically, as told above, the quartet still has a lot of potential to be turned in great songs; but for now, songs as “The Silence of Heaven” (a nasty and furious song with some clean parts, based on sharp and old fashioned guitar riffs), “Dark Magic River” (a sinister and morbid song plenty of sinister melodic arrangements, and with a solid rhythmic slow and fast attacks of bass guitar and drums), “Mother of Shadows” (a faster and nasty song with excellent shrieks of the vocals), “God Chain” (a classic Black Metal song with many sharp and melodic arrangements), and “A Hunter Rides the Night” will show their value.

ONE OF THE NINE is really a promising name, and as evolution will sharpen their musical efforts, they’ll be great. For now, enjoy this sinister offering called “Eternal Sorcery” as much as you want.

7 / 10









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"Eternal Sorcery" Track-listing:
  1. Lurkers of the Half-Light (instrumental)
  2. The Silence of Heaven
  3. Dark Magic River
  4. Mother of Shadows
  5. Moonlit Sacrifice
  6. God Chain
  7. Wrathful Rebirth (instrumental)
  8. A Hunter Rides the Night
One of Nine Lineup:

Fellrider of Northern Unlight - Vocals, Guitars
Gurthang the Black Sword - Guitars
Urmaiar the Rope - Bass
Pharazon the Golden - Drums

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