Time Stands Still

Zero Point

If your are Greek and you're reading this review all you need to know is […]
By Michael Dalakos
June 6, 2005
Zero Point - Time Stands Still album cover

If your are Greek and you're reading this review all you need to know is that Zero Point is for the festivals. If you are not Greek (thus the previous sentence doesn't make any sense to you) I am forced to say a couple more things. Let me just take my stainless steel shovel. OK, I am ready...
Zero Point is a U.S. based act formed in 2003 as a side-project initially, as the rhythm section of Mark Howitt (ex-bass) and Jason Wood (drums) were still involved with Violet Ultra. That same year they also released an EP. 2004 was a difficult year for them since they suffered lineup changes but managed (unfortunately for my nerve system) to overcome their problems and release this masterpiece in 2005.
What you get when you blend Rock, Pop, Punk and Grunge (the band's influences) is probably the crap I had to listen to twice (yeah, I even gave them a chance). I have listened to Pop acts sounding heavier then these people. I have heard grunge acts sound more melodic than these people. Generally I have never heard people claim to be musicians playing better than those people. Isn't there a police investigating how such bands are allowed to have a record contract and release albums?
I just spotted this year's gift for my worst enemy...

1 / 10

Run Away!!!

"Time Stands Still" Track-listing:

My Everything
Talk To Me
Bitter Sweet
One Size Fits All
Life Of Shame
Not Waiting.
Sick With...
Right To Resist.
I've Had Enough (Leave)
Simple Smile

Zero Point Lineup:

John Parkinson - Vocals
Ross Worth - Guitar & vocals
Jonnie 5 - Bass
Jason Wood - Drums

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