

The debut album of YLISIA is a mix of symphonic and melodic Metal with darkness and melancholy in the melodies. Highlight of "Underneath" are the excellent vocals.
February 16, 2025

YLISIA were formed in 2020, and they are from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The symphonic Metal outfit released their debut album in 2023 as independent release. It has been now re-released via Italian Death, Thrash, and Gothic Metal specialists WormHoleDeath. “Underneath” was mixed by Dean Janzing (CONSPIRIA; PHANTOM ELITE; SHADOWRISE). It has a length of more than 42 minutes. The album starts with the song “Pain”, which starts with darkness in the melodies, powerful guitar riffing accompanied by orchestral arrangements in the background. While the tempo during the verse parts is measured, the tempo during the chorus parts is mid-tempo. The vocals are Rock oriented and vary around the medium to higher end of the vocal range. There is background vocal support during the chorus part. The dark atmosphere of the opening track keeps going during the title track. It is a slow song in particular during the verse parts, which is driven by the drums, vocals, and guitar contributions. The song comes into life during the chorus parts with thunderous riffing. Highlight is the excellent lead guitar solo, which gives the track an extra dimension.

Underneath” was released as video, and the YouTube link is provided below. The opening tracks are at the quiet end of symphonic Metal and “Free” continues with that. The track starts at a measured tempo with a quiet sound, which is well suited to the vocals. The track changes to a more dynamic mid-tempo sound with heavy guitar riffing, where the vocals utilize mainly higher notes. The melodic framework is, once again, dark with some melancholic traces in the melodies. Tell Me” starts with a short synthesizer sequence, transitioning into heavy guitar riffs underlain by the keyboards in a mixture of mid-tempo and measured tempo. The vocals are versatile and use most of the vocal range. The melodies are grim, however, similarities with the preceding tracks are evident. The lead guitar solo and the vocal contributions are among the highlights of the track. Somehow, the album moves along from track to track but without any spark and dynamic. “Hourglass” is another song of the same kind: mixture of mid-tempo and measured tempo, relatively quiet sound, dark melodies with some melancholy, and a good lead guitar solo. The vocals provide the only difference by using mainly higher notes here. “September” is driven by the piano and the guitar riffs. The song is slightly faster compared to most others and the overall sound is a bit fresher and more dynamic. However, the melodies do not offer something different, it sounds like an extension of previous tracks. The vocals are once again the highlight of the track.

Labyrinth” is a slow song with ballad-esque features. Main drivers are the piano, strong basslines, and powerful riffs during the chorus parts. On top of all sit the vocals who keep the sound very well together. Liesbeth Cordia has great versatility and in particular her higher notes are song defining and make Labyrinth” to one of the best album tracks. “You” is one of the heavier album songs driven by the keyboards and thunderous guitar riffing at a measured tempo. The melodies are orientally inspired at times. The vocals are once again the song highlight and give the song an extra layer. The album finishes with “Catch My Breath” which is a mid-tempo track being in the same vein as many album tracks. A final lead guitar solo is a short reminder on the album highlights. The debut album of YLISIA is a decent one. The album has been initially released in 2023 already, now there has been the WormHoleDeath re-release. The album sound is a bit one-dimensional and repetitive. Most songs are a mix of mid-tempo and measured tempo with darkness in the melodies and at times melancholy. Highlights were the lead guitar solos, and in particular the vocals, which kept the songs expertly together. The album is well produced. To me, “Underneath” is not one of the albums that stick out from the many symphonic/melodic Metal releases. However, YLISIA is a band with potential and they have a crown jewel as vocalist. With some improvements in the songwriting, they could develop into a promising symphonic/melodic Metal band.

7 / 10









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"Underneath" Track-listing:
  1. Pain
  2. Underneath
  3. Free
  4. Tell Me
  5. Hourglass
  6. September
  7. Labyrinth
  8. You
  9. Catch My Breath
Ylisia Lineup:

Liesbeth Cordia Vocals

Martijn de Zeeuw Guitars

George van Olffen Keyboards

Eva Levina Drums

Tim Hoogervorst Bass

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