

I didn't know much about this band, but after one of my visits to a […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
May 18, 2009
Wyrd - Kalivagi album cover

I didn't know much about this band, but after one of my visits to a record store downtown, I was surprised to see a bunch of releases by WYRD on the shelves of the store. I was kind of interested and I decided to spend some time on this band, while having also the chance to review their latest album.

WYRD were formed in 1998 and the man behind this band is Narqath (although the line up thingie is kind of difficult to understand, try to search and you'll see), a musician who has been involved in bands like HELLKULT, AZAGHAL and many more. Let's see what the band's first album through Naga Productions has to offer.

The band's last releases had started leading WYRD away from its more traditional Black Metal roots, since more melodic parts were incorporated in its music, as well as some more experimental touches. Kalivagi actually continues this experimental stage the band is going through, and offers 6 songs with an approximate duration of 40 minutes. The main feeling that these 6 songs produce is this distinctive Black Metal melancholy of the Finnish scene. Some classic pagan elements are here to remind us of the band's past, but some atmospheric parts along with the melodic guitars that have a more Rock/Metal attitude in this album show that Narqath has still many things to offer.

I can't say that I was too excited while listening to Kalivagi, there were also times that it couldn't attract my attention 100% (only a few though). The fact is that if you clear your mind, relax and pay good attention to this album, Kalivagi will haunt you as it haunted me. It is dark and majestic at times, and that's what makes it one more special WYRD release.

7 / 10


"Kalivagi" Track-listing:

Hamaran Soutajat
Kaikki Metsan Kaiut

Wyrd Lineup:

Narqath - Vocals, All Instruments
JL Nokturnal - Drums

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