
Wykked Wytch

Like most of you, I have noticed that after the success of Arch Enemy more […]
By Michael Dalakos
September 7, 2005
Wykked Wytch - Nefret album cover

Like most of you, I have noticed that after the success of Arch Enemy more and more bands are being fronted by women. I can't really blame them, but on the other hand I never was a fan of any form of exploitation. However most of the fans neglect the fact that such demonic figures had existed a decade (or even two) ago already in the scene. One of the finest examples is ultra growler (and a hell of a gal!) Sabina of Holy Moses. Wykked Wytch include such a frontwoman inside their core. In fact Wykked Wytch is the vessel Ipek uses the last ten years for her musical exploration.
Wykked Wytch's story spawns a decade back. The band was formed by Ipek in Philadelphia as a four piece Death / Thrash act. Their first release entitled Something Wykked This Way Comes came out in 1996. The band toured the East coast supporting bands such as Testament, Deicide, Dying Fetus, Savatage, Overkill and the West coast supporting Malevolent Creation, Oppressor and Overkill. In 1999 Ipek split ways with the previous band members and reformed the band with a new lineup. In 2001 their second album Angelic Vengeance was released. Recorded in fall 2000, produced by Kit Woolven and mastered by Jim Morris. The band relocated in Florida and played gigs with bands such as Morbid Angel, Monstrosity, Six Feet Under, Lamb Of God, God Forbid, Candiria. They also took part in the Hell Comes To Your Town European tour together with Kreator, Sodom and Destruction. After several delays the band's third album, Nefret, is being released...
And that's how the story goes for Wykked Wytch. Well, as you have noticed this is not your garage band living next door. All these are good facts but what about the music? Wykked Wytch play a mixture of extreme Death / Black Metal with some modern elements (Metalcore) and some traditional Metal patterns (mostly in some of their guitar riffs). Definitely not for the faint hearted this album is aggressive as hell. Though not so fast as one would expect, the songs are really dynamic.
I found their music probably more appealing to the U.S. audience but fans of extreme Metal from our side of the ocean (hehe) should check them out. Wykked Wytch is definitely a really powerful act, I am interested in seeing them on stage one day.

7 / 10


"Nefret" Track-listing:

Fatal Intentions
Eternal Lies
Seduced By Fear
Many Lives
The Soul Awaits
Cursed Destiny

Wykked Wytch Lineup:

Ipek - Vocals
Gio Geraca - Guitar
Sean Young - Guitar
Lenny - Bass
Koos - Drums
Salvatore LoPresti - Keyboards

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