Barbed Wire Veins

Wrath Division

WRATH DIVISION are a Polish War Metal band that tear through the soundwaves with their […]
By Ben Gardiner
November 4, 2021
Wrath Division - Barbed Wire Veins album cover

WRATH DIVISION are a Polish War Metal band that tear through the soundwaves with their ripping and roaring aggression. Dense, sludgy sounds, combining technical riffs with hard hitting drums and tumultuous vocals, this band offers a scorched earth, nihilistic view on humanity through rowdy sounds.

As you may have noticed, each member of the band, as it is on their Bandcamp, is named a set of co-ordinates. I Will take any excuse I can get to peruse Google Earth and have therefore saved you the search. The vocalist is the location of the Peoples Temple, where Jim Jones once famously coerced and in some cases forced over 900 people to commit mass suicide. The guitarist's coordinates take you to Hiroshima, the site of the nuclear bomb dropping; and the Drummers brings us to the location pf the Srebrenica Massacre, occurring in July of 1995, the genocide of more than 8000 Bosniak Muslim men and boys.

"Barbed Wire Veins" holds nothing back immediately, opening with blast beats nicely accented to follow the formidable and frantic guitar riff. With a fill every other bar, and the rushed, moving guitar riff, frenzied energy spills out of every part of this song. The vocals are mixed to make the music one solid wall of sludge, the roaring growls fighting to be heard over the hectic instrumentation.

The snare heavy blasts throughout "Death Oriented Ideology" echo like machinegun fire, which I'm sure is no accident, the vocals wail in reverbed anguish, and the scratchy guitar riffs are sharp as knives. Rolling tom fills and sluggish, forcible drumbeats give the song a Doom sense.

The repeated tempo changes in "Barbed Wire Veins II" makes it one of most hectic songs on the album, relentless blast beats, the crazy guitar solo and the frequent changes in pace giving it an overtly discombobulated feel, its the band channelling that battle energy, inconsistent and frenzied, lulling occasionally but never for long. Track nine, "Mediumic Reconnaissance Before the Final Strike" returns to the blackened Doom, with a steady opening that soon dissolves into screeching and blast beats. The slower sections are fantastically simplistic, the steady drum parts lending to the more brutal vocals and guitar riffs.

This album creates a unique vibe in all its purposeful sludginess, the chaotic drum blasts and riffing, all driven forward by those deep roaring vocals that couldn't be better suited to the music. The atmosphere that's built throughout is really cool, with the hazy droning of the intro and outro tracks and the murky denseness of the sound. It Sonically channels a particular feeling that is more than just 'War.' It represents all the horror and filthiness, the evil energy, the sense of apprehension and fear, the sound of the music carries with it all the darkness of war. WRATH DIVISION have taken the often ignored 'less is more' route, there's nothing too flashy, nor overproduced, the elements they draw from all work together to create an engrossing piece of music that is hard to put a finger on, it feels epic and minimal cluttered yet never too dense, and it is always offering more and stays engaging without ever straying out of its parameters.

8 / 10









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"Barbed Wire Veins" Track-listing:

1. Octagon
2. Barbed Wire Veins I
3. Death Oriented Ideology
4. Hypnodictatorship of Pain Gospel
5. Barbed Wire Veins II
6. Batara Kala War Ministry
7. Your Hometown's Smoke Eclipses the Sky
8. Abyssal Force Beyond Physics
9. Mediumic Reconnaissance Before the Final Strike
10. Hexagon

Wrath Division Lineup:

44°6'23"N 19°17'49"E - Drums, Vocals
34°24'N 132°27'E - Guitars, Bass
7°41'22"N 59°57'0"W - Vocals

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