Wormcult Revelations


WORMREICH arose from hell in 2009 to torment all the Christians who dwell on the […]
By Paulomaniaco
May 12, 2014
Wormreich - Wormcult Revelations album cover

WORMREICH arose from hell in 2009 to torment all the Christians who dwell on the so called Bible Belt located between the south-eastern and south central of the United States Of America. These three sovereign show their devotion to Satan bringing chaos to this holy land and with this second coming an EP called "Wormcult Revelations". Once again they show no mercy for the bastards enemies crushing them like useless insects in the name of Satan.

The CD begins with a black mass to honour the old ancients "Revelation I: Vox In Rama" gloomy, dark and evil and Vulk does an amazing job channelling all his hatred through his demonical voice and then followed by "Revelation II: Serpents Of Chorozon". The drums blast away with an interesting mix of riffs and every song is connected with each other thus creating a pleasant  and dark atmosphere as seen on "Shaare Maveth". ORMREICH have managed to combine all ingredients in this album, melody, aggression, lots of blasphemy I can clearly see where their influences coming from. Fans of GORGOROTH and DEATHSPELL OMEGA will also worship these demons and sure turn their backs to the cross. Although most Black Metal bands come from Norway WORMREICH have managed to have that Nordic sound but have not lost their own identity and roots, I think their sounding is very modern, very smart and very witty keeping you on the edge of hell. "Malign Paradigm" a tribute to their heroes DEATHSPELL OMEGA closes the CD with style.

As CD production goes I think they achieved something good, all the ingredients are there Black Metal fans worldwide should be happy with "Wormcult Revelations" these Americans ancient warriors are here and they are here to stay and cleanse the earth from the plague.

10 / 10


"Wormcult Revelations" Track-listing:

1. Revelation I: Vox In Rama
2. Revelation II: Serpents Of Chorozon
3. Shaare-Maveth
4. Revelation III: Devotion's Final War
5. Revelation IV: Enin Satanas Meum Sanguinem
6. Codex Luciferium
7. Malign Paradigm (Deathspell Omega Cover)

Wormreich Lineup:

Vulk - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
N. Vathron - Guitars, Effects
Profana - Drums

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