

WORMED does such a great job at expressing an epic sci fi saga that is rooted in technical brutal death, but they are so much more than this. There are just so many layers to the complexities of WORMED than just mere brutal death metal.
August 27, 2024

From the sprawling elaborate and exquisite boulevards to the well manicured parks are some of the vast attractions of the beautiful city of Spain’s central capital known as Madrid. But underneath the lavished streets that are enriched in cultural heritage comes a beast of pure brutal technical death that pushes the boundaries of the genre. Within the brutality of Spain’s metal scene came WORMED who formed within the year of 1998 in the heart of Madrid. With twenty six years of experience, WORMED has had a long time to hone their craft and evolve into the brutal machine that you see today. Having released three full-length albums, an EP and a few splits throughout the years prior, they are back and hitting harder than ever. “Omegon” released on July 5, 2024 under the powerful label of Season of Mist, offers a welcomed display of pure violence. Having nine brutal technical tracks of death that will crush you for 40:56 minutes. The wait is now over and the futuristic dystopian sci fi tale continues on from their last full-length album “Krighsu”. Given the overall hype for the continuation of this epic sci fi and overall brutality through how WORMED conveys their story, we can only imagine with anticipation. 

Nice shades of blue as two cyborgs face each other as if in some form of face off. A fitting album art considering the saga they are portraying within their lyrics. A very mechanical and futuristic look that helps to paint the overall sci fi theme of their latest album. The band's logo sits central with the album name just below in a futuristic looking font. Well let's dive in and see what's in store for Krighsu. For those not aware, that's the name of the main character within this epic sci fi saga. The opening track starts out with an eerie computing electronic sound that reverberates into a rush of intense technical dissonant death. Deep pig-squeals and heavy vocals vomit over the thick low tuned guitars and sporadic blasts of drums that are only enhanced with their solid chord progression from the bass. “Automaton Virtulague” Is off to an intense start as it races forward with brutal aggression.

I love the disso-death focus as it's paired with technical brutal death. “Protogod” wastes no time as the brutality hits you like a torrent of sporadic aggression. Intricate time signatures that build an intense tempo that further establish the complexities throughout the track. The harsh low beastly vocals carry the pace of intensity before breaking into some serious slam riffs that lead into some well placed melodic death. At this point there is a strong atmosphere building before switching into some more slam that then switches back into dissonant drowned out gaze-like melodic chord progressions. Just like that, it fades into some interesting possible click track that ends the song.  “Malignant Nexus” Is an obvious turning point for the album. The intro is a clean melodic chord progression that echoes outwards in a haunting tone. The drums kick in with a simple beat as the vocals express the gravity of a possible dire situation. Further building in a dynamic atmospheric tone, the track is short but paramount in the story being told. The ultimatum and consequences therein.

I enjoyed this album as WORMED does such a great job at expressing an epic sci fi saga that is rooted in technical brutal death, but they are so much more than this. There are just so many layers to the complexities of WORMED than just mere brutal death metal. The dynamic elements expand far beyond that with the multitude of layers executed within. You have the hallmark riffs of slam and brutal death that seemingly bleed into traits of gaze, melodic and are coated in a dissonant technical death. These create such a dynamic flow of complexity and intricate time signatures that play into what makes WORMED so good. They even incorporate elements of djent death to add further layers. “Omegon” does a fantastic job at showcasing their talent and holds an amazing continuation into the epic saga they are telling. On a production value, it is decent as all the mixes sat all relatively well but having some issues in certain parts. Nothing too noticeable though and the overall album is crafted well.

With a solid build up “Omegon” closes off the album with a melodic chord progression that builds into sporadic drum rolls and blast beats that are paired with more technical dissonants. The overall mix is slightly off here which throws off the vocals slightly in parts. However, the chaotic aggression that is displayed is executed relatively well and the underlying melodics add a nice touch to the overall chaotic brutality. Overall, I was impressed with the overall dynamic complexities that were executed flawlessly. From the sporadic time signatures and chord progressions to the varying elements that were injected into their musicianship and tonalities. “Omegon” is a pretty decent album that is just so much more than simply brutal tech death. I would recommend you add this into your collection of death metal and if you haven't already, add their previous albums to fully appreciate the saga being told. WORMED has been around for some time and only strives to perfect their music and push boundaries. Their latest album is a testament to this progression and skill.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Omegon" Track-listing:

1. Automaton Virtulague
2. Pareidolia Robotica
3. Protogod
4. Pleoverse Omninertia
5. Malignant Nexus
6. Virtual Teratogenesis
7. Aetheric Transdimensionalization
8. Gravitational Servo Matrix
9. Omegon

Wormed Lineup:

J.L. "Phlegeton" Rey – vocals 

Guille "Guillemoth" Garcia – bass 

Miguel "Migueloud" Ángel – guitar 

Gabriel "V-Kazar" Valcázar – drums 

Daniel "D-Kazar" Valcázar – guitar

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