

Out of the two promos I reviewed this week, "Gloomlord" is the better of the […]
January 22, 2020
Worm - Gloomlord album cover

Out of the two promos I reviewed this week, "Gloomlord" is the better of the two I received in my inbox. I'll start there, I digress, in researching the band I can find very little information about them other than they are from Florida and there's two band members. The album art is decent and fitting for this Black Metal band, bordering on Funeral Doom Metal. The sophomore album, "Gloomlord", is set to release January 24, 2020. This following the release of their first album in 2017, "Evocation of the Black Marsh". Which their first album was not well received unto the world of metal. However, there has been some improvements on this second album. However, it is still not the golden release I'm sure they were hoping for. Yet, with the improvements this band has made, maybe they'll hit their mark next time. I'd be obliged to check it out. So, to start, the production of this album is a little lacking. As a whole, like I mentioned, there is next to no information out there about the band itself and the sound has a slightly amateurish ring to it.

"Putrefying Swamp Mists at Dusk" - Whereas part of me likes some of the riffs that come out in this song, the rest of me just is not fond of the song as a whole. The vocals in this song are too echoey, and then we have the wails that just don't fit right. It just never achieves that flow that carries you along with its melodies. "Rotting Spheres of Sentient Blackness" - The drums here are a bit reminiscent of a garage band, kind of tinny and just doesn't seem to fit. While the growls of vocals don't do much to make the atmosphere any better. Then we have the altogether, out of place guitar riffs. "Apparitions of Gloom" - Here is where the album improves. We have a fast paced and decent sounding song here, with less echo and more put together music. The guitar riff in the middle and drum beats definitely make up a little for the haphazardness of the beginning of the album. Have they evolved into a decent metal band yet? I hope so, and would love to see the improvements continue into future albums.

"Melting in the Necrosphere" - This song captures that flow I mentioned earlier songs lacking with its hardcore guitar. Especially at about the 3/4 mark of the track. The vocals, while still not my type, may be yours. Altogether this song is one of the better ones on the album. "Abysmal Dimensions" - Softer and "abysmal" as the title suggests, I actually warm up to the vocals more in this song. The drum work is so, so much better in this final track. Way to have a strong ending to a sordid venture. Writing this review, I am very careful to word this as constructive criticism rather than total disregard of the band's feelings. Do I think this album is top notch? No. However, I very much feel they can improve and should not give up trying. Art is a process. I get that. Don't give up WORM!! If they keep polishing their sound, they may yet blow us all away. Wouldn't be the first time a band has turned around thusly.

3 / 10









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"Gloomlord" Track-listing:

1. Putrefying Swamp Mists at Dusk (Intro)
2. Rottng Spheres of Sentient Blackness
3. Apparitions of Gloom
4. Melting in the Necrosphere
5. Abysmal Dimensions

Worm Lineup:

Fantomslaughter - Vocals
Equimanthorn  - Guitar and Other Instruments

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