Holy Goatse
Womit Angel
October 22, 2014

WÖMIT ANGEL was created in late summer of 2010 in Finland, one of the influential countries for metal music in the world. This trio wanted to make music that would have its listeners rocking hard from start to finish much like IMPALED NAZARENE and MOTÖRHEAD. WÖMIT ANGEL is a mixture of Black Metal and Punk with musical elements that spread throughout the Rock and Metal genres. The threesome released their second full length album "Holy Goatse" on October 3, 2014. "Holy Goatse" is nine tracks including the bonus with a listening time of just 25 minutes.
The albums starts off with "Serpens Cauda" with what sounds much like a Catholic church sermon the rapidly turns to the fast paced Black Metal Punk Rock we all know and love. Low pitched growls and demon vocals encompasses the first track. The guitars are kick ass and hard and everything we want to hear in a track. The drums are blast beat bliss. This is a wonderful introductory track.
Track four "Nailgun Crucified" starts with a spoken piece then again in WÖMIT ANGEL style they come in heavy and hostile. The guitar is brutal and has an amazing sound in this piece. I find myself listening to this track just for the guitar play at times because of how skillful the play is.
"Holy Goatse" is shocking, fast, and not for the most serious of people. The band uses shock factor in their performance and with that comes a vulgar and hardcore music. The album is musically brilliant; however the shock factor for my personal flavor is too much. The sophomore album should go into your collection, if you can handle it.
7 / 10

"Holy Goatse" Track-listing:
1. Serpens Cauda
2. Skin'n'Fuck
3. Nekrofilian kutsu
4. Nailgun Crucified
5. Summoning the Spirits of Agony (Through Self-fatality)
6. I Come with a Murder
7. The Witchhammer
8. Holy Goatse
9. Tornion kevat & Pissa ja paskaa
Womit Angel Lineup:
J.VIOLATER - Guitars
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