Space?: Issue No.001

"Space?: Issue No.001" is the third album from the Montana-based stoner metal quintet known as WIZZERD. It has nearly everything a person could want in a stoner metal record. There are songs about cars, space travel, and encounters with strange, dangerous creatures. There are also enough fuzzy riffs present to open up a fuzzy riff boutique. This album was my introduction to this band, but I will surely follow them from here on out.
The first proper song on this album is the second track, "Sisters Of The Sun." This one reminds me of THE SWORD in that it's full of fuzzy psychedelic riffs and clean singing. There is a lot more jamming on this track, though. It's a fun song, and it's easy to see that they don't take themselves too seriously.
The fourth track, "Attack Of The Gargantuan Moon Spiders," has a twangy, southern rock feel. There are alternating male and female vocals. When the jam starts, they play a quick riff, a wacky sound effect plays, then they go back to that short riff. This pattern repeats several times. There's also a neat drum solo that travels between the right and left channels. Just when you think the track couldn't get any cooler, they break out the wah pedal and have some real fun.
The next track, "Don't Zorp 'N' Warp," is a cautionary tale warning of the dangers of performing the titular activity. Again, there's some great riffing to be heard. The vocals tend to get lost in the mix just a little bit, but it's not egregious. There's a nice, trippy guitar solo, and they save the real jamming for the next track.
When we last heard our heroes, they had Zorped and Warped, and now they're being chased by "the fuzz." This chase scene plays out in the aptly named "Space Chase." This one is instrumental and does a great job of depicting a hectic pursuit. The jam is out of this world with great instrumentation. The song gets chaotic in places, but it fits in with the two-track narrative.
The next track of note is "Doom Machine/Smoke Break." The first half is about riding in a classic car. This car is a Pontiac GTO, and the song sounds like a combination of CLUTCH, THE SWORD, and ZZ TOP. It's hard to go wrong with a lineup like that. The lyrics are straightforward and fun. The second half of the song consists of a bluesy, mellow jam session that takes place in a dive bar. While the music plays, sounds of pool tables and idle chatter can be heard. It serves as an excellent counterpoint to the previous half.
The final track of note is "Final Departure Part 1: The Intergalactic Keep of the Illustrious Cosmic Woman," another instrumental jam. This time the drums play a more dominant role than the guitars, and you can really tell that they are enjoying themselves. It's an all-out musical attack and the best way to end the album.
From start to finish, this is an excellent musical journey. It has some tasty grooves and carefree lyrics, and you can tell that each member is doing what they love. The lyrics are front-loaded and sparse so that you can focus on the groovy jams. I would have liked for the album to have just a touch more singing. Still, that's only a minor complaint. This is a great album for classic rock fans and stoner metal aficionados and guarantees a wonderful time will be had by all.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Space?: Issue No.001" Track-listing:
1. Launch
2. Sisters of the Sun
3. Super Nova
4. Attack of the Gargantuan Moon Spiders
5. Don't Zorp 'N' Warp
6. Space Chase
7. Transmission
8. Doom Machine/Smoke Break
9. Diosa Del Sol
10. Final Departure Part 1: The Intergalactic Keep of the Illustrious Cosmic Woman
11. End Transmission
Wizzerd Lineup:
Layne Matkovich - Bass/Vocals (Backing)
Sam Moore - Drums
Jamie Yeats - Guitars/Keyboards
Jhalen Salazar - Vocals (Lead)/Guitars
Wayne Randall - Synth/Organs/Vocals
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