Wizard Tattoo
Wizard Tattoo
August 28, 2022

People who read my humble pieces do ask me how I get the inspiration when writing my reviews, and how I know what to write. Or type, nowadays, as it is all done on the keyboards. Well, to be honest, I never know exactly what I will be putting down when I sit down to draft my review. I do have a lot of thoughts flowing though my mind when I am listening to music, and I try to remember those ministrations and use them accordingly. This was something I really had to do when reviewing this, the debut EP of WIZARD TATTOO, also known as Bram The Bard.
This is definitely not your run of the mill kind of music. He describes it as his way of expressing his midlife crisis, and if this is his way to let out all of his emotions, he can keep on going. Why? Because that might prove to become very interesting. The opening title track "Wizard Tattoo" is almost six minutes long, and goes from poppy, to stoner, but also into FAITH NO MORE territory. Not only due to the way the keyboards are used, or the many voices he uses, but also by the manner the song is constructed.
Thankfully this is repeated on "A Wizard's Lie", where the quiet piano parts are mixed with jazzy bass lines and relaxed drum parts. But don't worry, there are also some very distorted guitars that will have you sitting up for attention. After this we get the beautiful, enticing and funny narrative during the song "Wizard Knife Fight (At a Bar)". Especially when everything stops and you hear: "Dude, he's got a knife". I don't know why, but that cracks me up every time I listen to it. The song does picture the emotions that are occurring during the story down to a T.
Last song "No Return" is the calming down factor of this EP, and will have you laying back in your chair, whilst letting go of the tensions that have built up in the previous songs. The only question that keeps bugging me is whether this is a brilliant record, a good album or just something that is very interesting because it is keeping me on the edge of my seat. Yes, even after a dozen listening sessions WIZARD TATTOO have achieved that. So, at least it can't be bad, otherwise I would have logged off long before.
7 / 10

"Wizard Tattoo" Track-listing:
1. Wizard Tattoo
2. A Wizard's Lie
3. Wizard Knife Fight (At a Bar)
4. No Return
Wizard Tattoo Lineup:
Bram the Bard - All vocals and instruments
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