Grigorium Verum
July 30, 2018

WITCHFYRE is a Spanish band from Vigo (Pontevedra). The members come from different other bands: EMI METAL (IRON HUNTER, MIDNIGHT RITES, UNHUMAN NATURE, ex-ATRIEDES, ex-ARDEGAN, ex-TRIAL), GG Andrews (DANTALION), L. O'Witchfield (BALMOG, BANISHED FROM INFERNO, MARTHYRIUM, OVAKNER, ex-SCENT of DEATH), PG WAR (DANTALION), J Thundervil of DANTALION, ex-MYDGARD, ex-EMPTY, ex-IRON HUNTER. Coming from different bands, they have several sounds to put in their songs, offering a Timeless Heavy Metal, offering a unique sound, close to the bands of the early eighties (IRON MAIDEN, KING DIAMOND, RUNNING WILD), with a lead singing reminiscent of DAVID BOWIE on some tracks.
So, their album sounds familiar, like good Heavy Metal from the eighties, with something different, and delightful. just like when you taste a different version of your favorite dish. This album is like a gospel to the Gods of Rock, with powerful drums, clear and catchy guitars, guided by a light and powerful voice, between ICED EARTH and DEEP PURPLE or IRON MAIDEN, with some DAVID BOWIE tones. Indeed, you can listen to this album and play the game called "This reminds me of..." Let's have a review. "Devil's Child" opens the record with a speech supported by powerful drums and guitar, turning into BRUCE DICKINSON-like voice, as when he debuted with IRON MAIDEN. In the same style, "Lord of the Underworld" makes a good continuation, opening with a lively guitar, leading to a powerful "Powerslave"-like chorus, followed by more melodious parts, the voice becoming more gentle.
"No Rest for the Witched" offers the same mood as the first tracks, with a powerful and clear voice, sometimes reminiscent of DAVID BOWIE's. A little bit less catchy, "Guardian of the Dead" is softer, with a clearer voice on the chorus, but still with the same guitar / drums combo. "Behind the Wall" is a little bit different, opening with an electric and acoustic guitars, sung by 2 voices, with treble voice, close to an ICED EARTH theme, as "Night Hunter" is powerful and catchy, with a less treble voice, in a 80's mood, somehow close to a good JUDAS PRIEST song. "Queen of the Night" has a fast opening, and loud drums. The voice sometimes sounds like DAVID BOWIE's tone.
At last but not least, "Samhain", is a good ending to this album, with a high-trebled voice. Samhain is a Celtic celebration, and Galicia is a celtic area in Spain. Good choice for the theme of the song, to offer an interesting last chapter to this album. Well, this album is a refreshing discovery, played by a Power Band, offering a good Timeless Heavy Metal, worth of the Ancient One's legacy. Fans of IRON MAIDEN, JUDAS PRIEST, DAVID BOWIE, ICED EARTH, and DEEP PURPLE, will experience a nice moment with familiar sounds, but gathered in a clever way. For those who love Metal, it offers a different vision of what Heavy Metal can be because it is not a patchwork of references. They offer their own vision of what Good Ol' Metal can be. Like a painter reinterpreting a famous theme, but respecting the tradition. So, if you like (very) good music, but miss Power Rock days, listen to this. It is a cure for your ears, and you mind.
8 / 10

"Grigorium Verum" Track-listing:
1. Devil's Child
2. Lord of the Underworld
3. No rest for the witched
4. Guardian of the dead
5. Behind the wall
6. Night Hunter
7. Queen of the Night
8. Samhain
Witchfyre Lineup:
EMI METAL - Vocals
GG Andrews - Guitars
L. O'Witchfield - Guitars / Backing Vocals
PG WAR - Bass / Backing Vocals
J Thundervil - Drums / Backing Vocals
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