The Dark Binding


Matt Bass is an upholder of raw, Satanic black metal from Sussex, U.K. In fact, […]
By H.P. Buttcraft
December 31, 2014
Witchclan - The Dark Binding album cover

Matt Bass is an upholder of raw, Satanic black metal from Sussex, U.K. In fact, his band WITCHCLAN is the oldest black metal band from the U.K. (established in 1990) even though Bass was not one of the founding members. He still carries the institution of black metal known as WITCHCLAN into the 21st century with their new album "The Dark Binding".

What makes "The Dark Binding" listenable at all is the brief moments of solid riff writing that rears its head every now and again. Like on "Treading on Angels", "A New Dawn" and "Beyond the Seventh Gate", these dizzying but catchy riffs make their presence known on an otherwise unlistenable record. Matt Bass is a great musician, that's for sure, but I feel like the audible quality does a piss-poor job at representing his talent.

The keyboards become increasingly annoying throughout "The Dark Binding". Like on "Paths to Immortality", the high frequency keys ring through the intro and outro in a way that made me want to skip the track impulsively. The sound of them is piercing to the ears and quickly brought out the worst in me as a metal critic. The keyboards would be helpful on the track "Crossing the Spheres" if the damn sound levels were adjusted properly. What could've been a good track on this lackluster album gets ruined yet again by the apathetic sound engineering.

What doesn't work about this album is the same things that wouldn't work about this album if this was released ten years ago. The use of a drum machine over tape cassette makes the musicianship sound shallow and muddy. But what's even worse is that this album, released in 2014, has the sound quality of a demo tape recorded in 1992. The problem with this, and I have pointed this out on other releases I've reviewed, it is not expensive to have a high quality-sounding record these days. There are no more excuses to create poorly mastered or recorded music any longer unless you are trying to show the world that you, as a producer, have no idea how to mix or engineer a good album.

I really try to reserve the lower ratings for bands that just clearly didn't care all that much about trying to make the best record they possibly could. I really don't enjoy handing out ratings below a four out of ten and I have only done it for a small handful of bands before. But WITCHCLAN has earned the rating they are receiving from me.

I hope that, in the future, they would spend more time attempting to improve their overall sound rather than focus on getting the band logo on a bunch of merchandise. "The Dark Binding" was absolutely pathetic and, while I don't wish Matt Bass any ill and I have heard raves about what a genius musician he is, I would advise him to start upping his game. It's something he should've been doing all this time and, in fact, he should've gotten started a very long time ago. He has been making black metal since its earliest roots and should be able to keep up with all of the musicians much younger and inexperienced as he is.

3 / 10


"The Dark Binding" Track-listing:

1. Descend Into Darkness (Intro)
2. Worms of Hypocrisy
3. Treading On Angels
4. Dawn of the Serpent Kings
5. Beyond the Seventh Gate
6. A New Dawn
7. Paths to Immortality
8. Crossing of the Spheres
9. Neverending Funeral
10. Descend Into Madness (Outro)

Witchclan Lineup:

Matt Bass - All Instruments

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