Eternal Haunted Shores


When you think of black metal, normally you think of the frostbitten icy cold lands […]
By Oli Gonzalez
March 21, 2022
WinterMoonShade - Eternal Haunted Shores album cover

When you think of black metal, normally you think of the frostbitten icy cold lands of Norway and Finland. Not the sunny sun beaten lands of Portugal. WinterMoonShade hail from the Iberian peninsula and their music promises to be as dark and gritty as any other in the genre, combining black and death metal in an unholy marriage. In all honesty, I did listen to the album once and wasn't initially sold on it. However, the second time I found it growing on me! Maybe that would be my advice to anybody sampling their music; don't dismiss it so early, like I did. It's everything you would expect from an early black metal album. Darkened riffs derived from a scale written by Satan himself, slower melodic passages intermittent with all out blastbeats and blistering intensity.

The album's title track "Winter Moon Shades" encapsulates this the most, for me, where the band go on an 8 minute black metal voyage. The opening is slow and methodical, almost peaceful, although the band slowly increase the intensity and before you know it, you're being subjected to a disgustingly fast blast beat! I found it interesting how the band cite CRADLE OF FILTH and MOONSPELL as influences. I'm definitely getting more of a 90s black metal vibe, in a similar vane to DARK FUNERAL. This isn't a criticism, more of an observation. "Wolf Whispering Dream" opens up with a rather ominous and cinematic soundbite, featuring what appears to be a cult incantation being uttered. Rather spine chilling if you don't mind me saying! This song appears to be more on the sludge end of the metal spectrum too, with some interesting grooves and rhythmic patterns. I would have some more comments on other songs, however, I honestly feel that there isn't much that differentiates or separates them. Which is unfortunate, as the band clearly talented musicians and seem to demonstrate a good understanding of the genre.

Production wise, I thought this was interesting. They've clearly gone for a more primal and raw feel, as is common and perhaps necessary for the genre. However, I have to admire the band's attention to detail, especially as everything has that grittiness but still being refined and polished. The drums pulsate through my ear phones elegantly, especially in "Dungeon Rusty Window" where I think the drums are most sharp and prominent. Vocally though, I thought there's room for improvement. Haze sounds consistently dark and has mastered the kvlt shriek. However, if I'm being blunt, it sounds like the vocals were recorded in a shower room! There isn't quite enough diction or enunciation to hear the lyrics clearly, and there may be too much reverb. Which is shame, as I'm sure Haze's lyrics would be worth reading. Overall, it's a brave attempt, but addressing some production issues and adding some more variety to the song writing would be most beneficial.

7 / 10









"Eternal Haunted Shores" Track-listing:

1. Drifting Into Land
2. Lusitania Might Noises
3. Wolf Whispering Dream
4. Eternal Haunted Shores
5. Origins and Solitude
6. Nightfall Muse Medusa
7. Cold Howling Wind
8. Dungeon Rusty Window
9. Winter Moon Shade

WinterMoonShade Lineup:

Haze -Vocals, Guitar
Fenrir -Bass
Zeör -Drums

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