Usurping the Throne of Disease
Winds of Genocide
January 11, 2015

Mix a little Thrash Metal with a little Black Metal with a little Death Metal too and you get something with a pretty specific sound. Think TOXIC HOLOCAUST, SODOM, and a few others with similar style. Put in a female vocalist who goes by Kat Shevil and you get a zesty little quintet by the family-friendly name of WINDS OF GENOCIDE. They have followed in good footsteps with their latest release "Usurping the Throne of Disease". This is nine tracks of pure hell and fury and never relents from beginning to end.
Some people are fond of a gravelly vocalist as the marshmallows to their cereal of metal. This band does not disappoint and provides a nice backdrop of rage and angry music that could incite a unruly mosh pit. The riffs are fast, hard-hitting at times, and delightfully dark. There's a whole heaping helping of distortion and this album definitely has that raw feel to it.
Unfortunately I'm not sure what they set out to accomplish by recording this, but that didn't stop me from getting into a nice fit of headbanging at times. Still, I have to say that to get my respect, they needed more variety and this album didn't really provide that. Each song sounded the same and to me the same distortion I mentioned before is what kept me from really getting a sense of each song being different than the one before or after it. Other than that, maybe the drummer could use a little more practice with a metronome, but I'm not a drummer so I can't really say much.
Still, there were some good points which drove my rating up. The title track has a couple of pretty sweet grooves, one at the beginning and one at the end. Though I can't say I'm a fan of this band, They seem pretty confident and content with their style and sound and you can't deny them that. So hopefully they keep up the good work because there are plenty of new fans waiting to be swept away by the WINDS OF GENOCIDE!
6 / 10
Had Potential
"Usurping the Throne of Disease" Track-listing:
1. The Howling Wolves of Armageddon
2. Deathstrike of the Scythe
3. Venomous Warfare
4. Into The Darkness of Eternal Nuclear Winter
5. Usurping the Throne of Disease
6. Millions Lie Slaughtered
7. Till Graven
8. Mass Graves of the Innocent
9. Swathed by the Black Wings of Death
Winds of Genocide Lineup:
Kat Shevil- Vocals
Linus - Guitars
Dan Hughs - Bass
Ian Hunter - Drums
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